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City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
cc4-1-08 minutes
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John Schiltz, Lake Elmo Inn, 3442 Lake Elmo Avenue, noted that those of you who <br />oppose this, if you would have had these views years ago, some of you wouldn’t even be <br />here. I think the farmers and the people who have land deserve their day to retire. You <br />are denying a lot of people the rights to pursue that. The 201 project supposedly was to <br />be the solution to failing septic systems. When the sewer line comes in he would be one <br />of the first to hook up and pay his fair share. <br /> <br />Dave Screaton, 711 Manning Avenue, suggested the City study all four scenarios. <br /> <br />Susan Dunn, 11018 Upper 33rd St., favored looking at scenarios with low density and <br />senior housing. <br /> <br />John Ames, 9799 51st Street N., stated we have to preserve the things we like about the <br />old Village---barbershop, library, parks, etc. We need clarity as to what is required by <br />the Met Council. <br /> <br />Todd Bruchu, 3150 Klondike Avenue, Parks Commissioner and served on the AUAR <br />Advisory Panel, was not in favor of ordering an AUAR beyond the 600 units that is <br />specified in the comprehensive plan. If we chew up the open space in the old Village <br />there won’t be enough space left to enjoy by the community. <br /> <br />Todd Ptaceck, 812 Julep Avenue N., Chair of Planning Commission and served on the <br />AUAR Advisory Panel, said he is a minority rep south of 10th Street which has not had <br />equal representation. He favored broader distribution of housing units. <br /> <br />Mike Howard, 883 Jasmine Avenue N., moved from Woodbury and hoped to retire living <br />in Lake Elmo. He asked the Council to table a decision for a year until the economy <br />takes off. <br /> <br />Bob VanZandt, 8110 Hidden Bay Trail, stated there is a new administration, the battle <br />with the Met Council was lost and the City has to move on. <br /> <br />Gary Carlson, 8735 27th Street, stated the village master plan principles are a logical set <br />of principles. The Village master plan sketch is logical and sensible. Based on <br />Bonestroo’s input, no one has been overlooked. This plan is a wonderful outcome of <br />what could have been a bad situation. Let the Council do their job. <br /> <br />Pete Schiltgen, 10880 Stillwater Blvd., requested that he be able to speak more than the <br />three minutes. The City Council agreed by consensus to allow him more than the three <br />minutes allocated to each speaker. Mr. Schiltgen said Lake Elmo is no longer ruarl and <br />we can ever go back, but we can plan for new shops, new parks, affordable housing and <br />seniors’ apartments. In order to do these things you need people. He supports looking at <br />all scenarios. (Attachment #2) <br /> <br /> <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 1, 2008 4
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