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various situations including individual business meetings, marketing events and other <br />settings to highlight the opportunities that exist within each community in Washington <br />County. Each city/township can have their own paragraph, page or section of the <br />Economic Development Plan and all marketing materials. Washington County CDA staff <br />will assist with drafting/creation of this information and marketing materials upon request <br />of the individual cities and townships. This will be an ongoing activity beginning in the <br />first quarter of 2017 and may be revised and/or updated at any time at the discretion of <br />the cities and townships. <br />Economic Development Partnerships and Financial Incentives: <br />Action Step: Help small businesses grow. <br />Deliverables: Washington County can support existing small businesses and <br />encourage new entrepreneurism by joining the Metropolitan Consortium of Community <br />Developers' (MCCD) Open to Business program. <br />The purpose of the Open to Business program is twofold: <br />1) to provide small businesses within Washington County direct access to <br />subordinated financing (business loans), and <br />2) to provide one-on-one professional business consulting services to small <br />businesses within the county at no cost to the business. <br />The professional business consulting services include business plan development and <br />financial proforma development including cash flow management analysis for <br />entrepreneurs. The direct business loans offered through the Open to Business <br />program are intended to spur commercial and industrial business development <br />opportunities in Washington County. Business loans are available to both start-up and <br />existing businesses and are available for a variety of uses including; building <br />improvements, acquisition of property, equipment, inventory and working capital. <br />The Washington County CDA will coordinate the Open to Business program on behalf of <br />the communities and will seek the necessary funding required to join. This program will <br />begin as soon as possible in 2017 and will be ongoing. <br />Action Step: Utilize Community Development Block Grant funds for business loans <br />Deliverables: The Washington County CDA will use federal Community Development <br />Block Grant monies for up to 3 small business loans for a total amount not to exceed <br />$25,000 in CDBG funds over a three-year period. This activity will begin in the third <br />quarter of 2017 and be ongoing. <br />Action Step: Capitalize a county -wide commercial building revolving loan program. <br />Deliverables: The Washington County CDA will explore options to fund commercial <br />building and improvements. The county -wide commercial building revolving loan <br />program will begin in 2018 or sooner if funding becomes available. <br />