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Community Assistance: <br />Action Step: Provide predevelopment matching grants to cities, townships and local <br />government economic development authorities located in Washington County. <br />Deliverables: The Washington County CDA will explore options to fund a program that <br />will provide up to ten grants for an amount up to $10,000 per grant (total of $100,000) to <br />cities and townships in Washington County for predevelopment costs to spur economic <br />development and redevelopment. These grant funds are intended to spur new <br />commercial and industrial business development and redevelopment activities by <br />providing funding up to $10,000 per grant award on a 1:1 matching basis. This will begin <br />in the first quarter of 2016 and be ongoing contingent upon the availability of funding. <br />Action Step: Assist communities and local area chambers of commerce with Business <br />Retention & Enhancement (BR&E) visits, as requested. <br />Deliverables: The Washington County CDA will stand ready to assist communities <br />organize and implement BR&E programs and will participate in select business visits <br />upon the request of the individual community. This will begin in the first quarter of 2017 <br />and will be ongoing. <br />Workforce Development and Talent Recruitment: <br />Action Step: Partner with businesses, Century College, the Workforce Development <br />Board and others to identify and address workforce training and housing needs. <br />Deliverables: The Washington County CDA will be an active member/partner with the <br />Washington County Workforce Development Board. The Washington County CDA will <br />work with businesses, our education system, communities and Greater MSP to attract <br />and retain talent whenever possible. This will begin in the first quarter of 2017 and be <br />ongoing. <br />Action Step: Assist partners to attract, train and retain talent. <br />Deliverables: Whenever possible, work with businesses, communities, Greater MSP, <br />Century College and other community partners to recruit the types of businesses that will <br />entice some of our residents to work closer to home. This could benefit both the highly <br />trained and less trained working residents. The Washington County CDA will also work <br />to provide our community partners with demographic data and labor and housing studies <br />on an ongoing basis. This will begin the first quarter of 2017 and be ongoing. <br />Strong Infrastructure Foundation: <br />Action Step: Promote multi -modal transportation and transit opportunities that will <br />stimulate economic growth in the county. <br />Deliverables: Washington County CDA staff will be an active participant of the <br />Washington County Comprehensive Plan Committee. This will begin in the first quarter <br />of 2017 and be ongoing. <br />