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7-22-02 Shafer WS
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7-22-02 Shafer WS
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JOINT WORKSHOP WITH CITY COUNCIL, SHAFER MINING <br /> AND AFFECTED RESIDENTS JULY 22, 2002 <br /> <br />Mayor Hunt call the workshop to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Council chambers. PRESENT: Siedow, Dunn, Hunt, Armstrong (arrived at 5:20 p.m.), DeLapp, City Planner Dillerud and Administrator Kueffner. <br />Planner Dillerud reviewed his report dated July 16, 2002. <br /> John Roskowski, Ivy Ct., lives a quarter mile away from the Shafer site, and hears beepers on the loaders going off at 7 a.m. and tail gate doors banging. He works nights and sleeps in the morning, and has had to cut down his work hours because he cannot <br />sleep in the morning due to the noise. The days of work are M-Saturday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. <br /> The residents agreed that the “No Trespassing” signs did help in the beginning, but the dirt bikes are back…usually in the early afternoon during the week when Shafer isn’t working. A resident stated he called the Sheriffs Dept, took them an hour to respond, and <br />by then the bikes are gone. Resident thought this activity would stop if enforced and <br />tickets were issued. Another resident stated the dirt bikes are coming from the north side because they drive by and wave to him. Resident stated that maybe this location is not appropriate for this mining/contracting <br />business. Planner Dillerud stated there has to be serious impact on health, safety and <br />welfare. The City cannot arbitrarily rewrite the CUP; otherwise, it would find itself in court. Council member DeLapp asked if there is any place out of 60+ acres near completion that <br />could be seeded. Scott Spisak responded they were working toward that. They placed <br />the berm on the north side and prepared a restoration plan. Administrator Kueffner suggested contacting Sgt. Osterman for setting up a “Neighborhood Watch”. <br /> <br />Planner Dillerud responded if the “No Trespassing” signs did not work, a sting operation could be set up. Dillerud also suggested hiring a Security guard. Council member DeLapp indicated the Shafer Mining pit could be considered an <br />attractive nuisance under State Law. The noise disturbs people, causing calls to the City <br />and Sheriff’s Dept. The City should require owners to keep the dirt bikes out. They might have to install a fence, otherwise, the property owners are responsible to find something else that would help.
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