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A resident stated that backfilling on north side made the elevation higher than the houses <br />now and wanted the City Engineer to take a look. The Shafer representative stated he had the understanding that back up alarms are required on all moving equipment. He will check with OSHA about adding resistors to <br />reduce the sound levels. The trucks could do a better job setting up haul routes. He said <br />they would co-operate with a sting and would give the Deputies a key to the gate. They would also try erecting an orange safety fence because it would be highly visible at the point trespassers are now entering. An effort is being made for dust control with a watering truck out in the morning and later in the day. Since the berm is up, it’s better, <br />recognizing it is not dust free. <br /> The five major issues to be addressed: 1. Noise: Back up Beepers on loaders, banging tailgate doors—not when emptying truck <br />2. Trespassing <br />3. Dust control – more sweepers on Jamaca Avenue 4. Grades – water table, heights 5. Berm is covered with weeds– needs landscaping <br />These action items will be taken to the August 6th Council meeting. Copies of CUP will <br />be mailed to affected residents for the next meeting Adjourned at 6:45 p.m..