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Lake Elmo Park Commission <br />Minutes of the Regular Meeting <br />August 21, 2006 <br />Chairman Schumacher called the Special Parks Commission meeting to order at 7:00 <br />PM. <br />COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Schumacher, Terry Bouthilet, Wafters, Larson, <br />Blackford, Wagner, and Ames. STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Superintendent Mike <br />Bouthilet, Assistant City Planner Matzek, and City Planner Dillerud. <br />Agenda <br />M/S/P Watters/Ames to approve the Agenda as published. 7:0 <br />Minutes <br />M/S/P Blackford/Watters to approve the Minutes July 17, 2006 as presented. 7-0 <br />M/S/P Watters/Wagner to approve the Minutes of July 25, 2006 amending the vote on <br />Agenda Item #3 to read Larson as abstaining rather than, and Watters voting "aye". 7-0 <br />Fields of St. Croix Public Trail Link <br />Assistant Planner Matzek presented the Commission several Power Point slides <br />describing a proposal that Commissioner Larson has been working on for several months <br />that would extend the City public trail system from 501h Street North through Fields of St. <br />Croix to Tana Park, and eventually to the Old Village. She explained and depicted both <br />existing HOA trails that would be converted by easement to public trails and new public <br />trails that would be constructed within HOA outlots. She also reviewed trail signage and <br />intersection modifications that have been developed by Commissioner Larson to clearly <br />define what trails remain private as those trails intersect the new public trails within <br />Fields. <br />Commissioner Larson explained that it was his intent to present the City's proposal to the <br />September annual meeting of the Fields HOA, and seek HOA membership authorization <br />for the HOA Board to continue forward with the necessary easement execution and trail <br />improvements as depicted by the plan presented. <br />Ms. Matzek suggested that from Tana Park there would be an option to continue the <br />public trail south to Highway 5, or west through land that will be developed in <br />accordance with the in -progress Village Area Plan. In either case, the intent (from the <br />Trails System Plan) is to link the Sanctuary (and neighborhood park), Carriage Station <br />(and neighborhood park), Tamarack Farms, Tana Ridge and Fields neighborhoods to <br />Tana Park and the Old Village using this proposed link. She suggested that it may be best <br />to await completion of Village Area plans and development of the Heritage property to <br />the west before extending the link beyond Tana Park. <br />