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09-18-2006 Packet
Commissions and Committees
6 - Parks Commission
02 - Parks Commission Agenda/Packets
2006 Agenda/Packet
09-18-2006 Packet
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M/S/P Ames/Wagner to proceed with work on the appropriate public trail easements with <br />the Fields HOA and/or Mr. Engstrom as proposed by Commissioner Larson, and <br />recommend to the City Council that the 2006/2007 trails construction program be <br />amended to add the required public trail links within Fields to complete the trail link from <br />50t' Street North to Tana Park, including the signage and trail intersection improvements <br />suggested by staff and Commissioner Larson. <br />Sunfish Park Land Trust Easement <br />Ms. Matzek provided the Commission with a list of questions from the Minnesota Land <br />Trust the answers to which will assist in the drafting of a Land Trust Easement over <br />Sunfish Park. She asked the Commission to only consider the questions at this time while <br />awaiting progress on the Park Plan update project. She advised that, once the Park Plan <br />update is further along, some answers to the questions regarding potential future uses of a <br />small portion of Sunfish Park may be more obvious. <br />Ms. Matzek also requested the Commission to individually and independently undertake <br />the following assignments in preparation for an upcoming meeting (September) with the <br />Park Plan consultants: <br />• Think about park systems and components in other Metro cities of a similar size <br />(build out at 24,000 population and area of 25 square miles with about 25% <br />developed at "urban" scale and density)... <br />• Review the policies contained in the 1990 Park Plan to determine which may still <br />be valid, which may accomplished, or may be invalid considering the City's 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan. Also consider any new park planning/development policies <br />that seem appropriate for Lake Elmo in a 25 year park plan. <br />Carriage Station Update .. <br />Mike Bouthilet explained the playground and trails are complete in the park, but need to <br />be backfilled. Quotes were received on the proposed basketball court. He clarified that <br />the basketball court will not be coming back to the Park Commission because it had <br />previously been approved. <br />Chairman Schumacher asked if any trees were removed. M. Bouthilet informed him that <br />some were transplanted. He also informed the Commission of the MNDOT approved <br />grant to plant approximately 130 trees along State Highway 5 in the spring of 2007. The <br />grant is through the MNDOT Community Landscaping Partnership Program. <br />Commissioner T. Bouthilet said he had been at the park and had noticed trash in the dirt. <br />Chairman Schumacher said it is important to call the Washington County non -emergency <br />phone number when appropriate. <br />Pebble Park Safety Incident <br />
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