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Chairman Schumacher said he had read a newspaper article the previous week in which <br />four juvenile males were found with a gun at Pebble Park. The article stated the <br />Washington County police were called. Chairman Schumacher said he believes Pebble <br />Park is the most mis-used park. <br />Commissioner Watters stated she had visited the park on Sunday and noticed trash <br />dumped at the park. She asked M. Bouthilet if there was something that could be done. <br />Commissioner Bouthilet identified Tablyn Park as being a close second for parks having <br />trash dumped in them. <br />Chairman Schumacher suggested Commissioners visit the City parks and to call the <br />Washington County non -emergency phone number when appropriate. <br />Commissioner Larson asked M. Bouthilet and Ms. Matzek if there was something that <br />could be done to study adjustments to the parks to reduce the trash dumping problem. <br />Chairman Schumacher asked Ms. Matzek to recommend 'TKDA look into rearranging <br />parks (existing equipment, parking, etc.) to make them better used — reduce trash dump - <br />offs, etc. Commissioner Larson asked that Tablyn Park and Pebble Park be specifically <br />identified. <br />Buckthorn <br />Chairman Schumacher stated he had received a letter from Joan Ziertman, Chair of the <br />Community Improvement Commission (CIC), saying the CIC was not able to head up <br />buckthorn removal this fall. <br />City Council Update <br />Ms. Matzek stated there were no park related items on the last City Council agenda. <br />Adjourn <br />M/S/P Ames/T. Bouthilet to adjourn meeting at 7:58 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Charles Dillerud <br />City Planner/Assistant Administrator <br />