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09-18-2006 Packet
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2006 Agenda/Packet
09-18-2006 Packet
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APPROVED: AUG. 21, 2006 <br />City of Lake Elmo <br />PARKS COMMISSION MEETING <br />Minutes of July 17, 2006 <br />Due to the length of the previous special meeting of consultant interviews for the Park Plan Update, <br />Chairman Schumacher called to order the meeting of the Lake Elmo Parks Commission late at 7:14 p.m. <br />COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Steele, Blackford, Watters, and Ames. STAFF PRESENT: <br />Administrator Rafferty, Planner Dillerud, Parks Superintendent M. Bouthilet, Assistant Planner Matzek, <br />and Recording Secretary Anez. ALSO PRESENT: Mayor Johnston. <br />1. Introduction <br />Kelli Matzek introduced herself as the city's new assistant planner and gave a short background of her <br />education and work history. The Planner said she will be staff support for the Parks Commission. <br />2. Agenda <br />Add 6.4 Heights Park, 6.5 Carriage Station Update, 6.6 Public Works and Water Tower, 6.7 Arts Center, <br />6.8 Trail Construction Update, and establish a special meeting date for selection of a consultant for the <br />Park Plan Update. Vote: 5:0. <br />3. Minutes of May 15, 20W <br />Steele: Part 3, add the word "to" for CC to review policy. Part 4, Second paragraph, second line, <br />Carriage Station residents (plural). Blackford: Page 2, Part 7, Move the paragraph about Chairman <br />Schumacher wanting to protect Sunfish now to the beginning of the section. Add "Because City Council <br />at their April 5, 2005 meeting directed the Parks Commission to look at the Land Trust specifically for <br />Sunfish Lake Park." Strike the sentence about concern for the minutes in the same paragraph. 41h <br />Paragraph, 3`a line Land Trust as a protective tool... add, "Specifically for Sunfish Lake Park." <br />M/S/P, Steele/Watters to accept the Minutes of May 15, 2006 as amended. Vote: 5:0. <br />4. Tapestry -Request for Horseback Riding Trail into Sunfish Lake Park <br />The Assistant Planner summarized the requested proposal to add a wood chip trail from north to south <br />along the western side of the Tapestry subdivision. She noted that the proposed trail crosses two private <br />driveways and Julep Avenue. She did not have information regarding the width of the trail and distance <br />from the roadway. She asked if wood chips are the best material for the area because they don't always <br />work well; sometimes they wash away. The city would need to confirm easements for such trails. <br />Signage identifying private or public trails may be required where the trail meets the boundary for Sunfish <br />Lake Park and within the park. She said there appears to be a gap of about 120 feet from the end of the <br />trail to the existing horse trails in the park. <br />Mark Youngdahl, developer of Tapestry and homebuilder <br />Mr. Youngdahl said the area where the proposed trail meets the park is a flat area of Oak Savannah. He <br />said there would be no tree destruction, maybe just some underbrush. The Land Trust would need city <br />approvals and they require an elaborate grazing plan before they will authorize that use on the parcels. <br />The trail would extend from the pastures to the trails in the park. <br />Commissioners asked questions on such topics as: how many horses; how wide the trail; material options <br />other than woodchips; maintenance of the trail; shelter for the horses; who would construct the additional <br />120 feet of trail; if the trail would be able to accommodate horse traffic from the north, west, and east; if <br />the trails would be exclusively for horses; and who would own the horses. <br />Mr. Youndahl said there would be no more than 10 horses and the trail width will be six to eight feet <br />wide. Chips are recommended because horses take to them, and the trail will have to be maintained by <br />the homeowners association. Mr. Youngdahl agreed to build the additional 120 feet of trail in the Park. <br />The easements would be sought from the two homeowners whose driveways would be crossed. The chip <br />trails would be solely for horses. There would be no boarding -only homeowners would keep their horses <br />Lake Elmo Parks Commission Meeting Minutes of July 17, 2006 1 <br />
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