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APPROVED: AUG. 21, 2006 <br />there. He said he would like to see the trails open for horses beyond the development but he is not sure <br />how that could work, they would have to make it clear and there could be a liability issue. <br />Commissioners asked staff if more horse access can be supported in the park, if it could be a traffic issue, <br />if would it be an enforcement issue, and dates of horseback riding in the park. Superintendent Bouthilet <br />said no horses are allowed in the park until May 15. He stated until now there has been low impact by <br />horses in the park. Once the 120 feet are constructed within the park, the city will maintain it and will <br />need access within Tapestry to do so. <br />The Planner said the idea is intriguing but an amendment will be required for the Open Space <br />Preservation Final Plan. <br />M/S/P, Steele/Ames to recommend the construction of horseback trails within Tapestry and connecting to <br />the trails within Sunfish Lake Park subject to further details along with an amendment to the Open Space <br />Preservation Final Plan of Tapestry at Charlotte's Grove. Vote: 5:0. <br />5. Land Trust <br />Chairman Schumacher asked if a stronger, more succinct recommendation for placing Sunfish Lake Park <br />into the Land Trust is in order. <br />Mayor Johnston said two issues could use more definition: an easement should not necessarily preclude <br />other park and recreational activities and should be specific, and what will be the cost to do it? He said <br />they are looking for permanent protection with a reasonable plan for additional use. <br />Chairman Schumacher said the cost will be $10,000 with a grant for $5,000 of it. The easement with the <br />Land Trust will cost the City that much payable to the Land Trust as a "Stewardship Fee" <br />Assistant Planner Matzek was asked to detail acreage of areas of the park and she determined there are 4 <br />acres for the road, 18 for the crop land, and 284 for the balance of the park. <br />Commissioner Watters said Sunfish Lake Park should be made part of the Park Plan and determining the <br />easement areas should be done systematically. Superintendent M. Bouthilet agreed that Sunfish Lake <br />Park should not be planned in isolation. <br />6. City Council Update <br />Superintendent M. Bouthilet said they are holding off on putting in the trails at Carriage Station until the <br />playground is done. The main part of that play structure will be done this week with the net and another <br />piece still to come. Trail construction go ahead has been given for 55t' Street from Sanctuary to <br />Marquess. <br />The Planner said Commissioner Larson is making progress with getting a public trail easement in Fields <br />II almost to Highway 5. He and Commissioner Larson will make a presentation to the homeowner's <br />association. <br />6.7 Arts Center <br />The Administrator said the Art Center has had multiple shows. They have applied to change the rear of <br />the garage for a stage. <br />6.4 Heights Park <br />Resident Bob Mear lives on 27 b Street and has lived there in Lake Elmo Heights 2nd Addition for 18 <br />years. He said Mrs. Brady's petition last year was not presented to him or his neighbors on either side <br />and park improvements will have direct impact upon his property. He said when the 3Td Addition went in, <br />the agreement was for a passive park. <br />Superintendent M. Bouthilet reminded the commission they set money aside in the CIP for a play <br />Lake Elmo Parks Commission Meeting Minutes of July 17, 2006 2 <br />