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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />October 4, 2022 <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />2. Approve Payment of Disbursements and Payroll <br />3. Approve Date for City Administrator Annual Review <br />4. Approve Step Increase for City Planner <br />5. Approve 5"' Street Median Plantings and Irrigation <br />6. Approve Conditional Job Offers to POC Firefighters <br />Councilmember Holtz, seconded by Councilmember Dorschner, moved TO APPROVE THE <br />CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. Motion passed 5 - 0. <br />ITEM 7: 10212 Stillwater Lane N. Variance Request <br />City Planner Hetzel presented a request for a variance to allow installation of a replacement septic <br />system less than 75 feet from a wetland due to lot limitations. Planner Hetzel noted that the Valley <br />Branch Watershed District approved the application and the Planning Commission also <br />recommended approval. <br />Councilmember Dorschner, seconded by Councilmember Holtz, moved Motion to approve <br />Resolution No. 2022-087, approving a variance with conditions to install a sewage treatment <br />system and septic tanks within 75 feet of a delineated wetland boundary at 10212 Stillwater <br />Lane N.. Motion passed 5 — 0. <br />ITEM 11: Loader Purchase <br />Public Works Director Powers reviewed the bids received and staff recommendation for <br />purchase of a loader and retention of the old loader. Councihnember Dorschner stated that the <br />old loader should be sold. <br />Councilmember McGinn, seconded by Councilmember Beckstrom, moved TO APPROVE <br />THE PURCHASE OF THE JOHNDEERE 524P WHEEL LOADER AND PLOWS FOR AN <br />AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $235,000. Motion passed 3 —1-1. (Dorschner — nay, <br />Cadenhead — abstain) <br />ITEM 9: Kororo Volleyball CUP and Variance <br />City Planner Hetzel reviewed the application for construction of an indoor volleyball facility at <br />the intersection of 391h Street N. and Lake Elmo Avenue N. and the request for a variance to <br />allow one access onto a public street versus two as required by city code. Applicant Raymond <br />Luczak provided information on the operations of the proposed facility and addressed concerns <br />regarding parking and the number of events held each year. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />