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Title 001 Oct 2023
City Council
City Code
Title 001 Oct 2023
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2/18/2025 8:28:07 PM
Creation date
10/16/2023 9:56:30 AM
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10/16/23, 9:55 AM Print Preview <br /> 13/48 <br />Commercial speech means speech or graphics advertising a business, profession, commodity, service <br />or entertainment. <br />Commercial use means the principal use of land or buildings for the sale, lease, rental, or trade of <br />products, goods, and services. <br />Commercial user (sewer systems) means any place of business which discharges sanitary waste as <br />distinct from industrial wastewater. <br />Commissioner (intoxicating liquor) means the commissioner of public safety for the state. <br />Commissioner (shoreland) means the commissioner of the state department of natural resources. <br />Community sewage treatment system means a sewage treatment and collection system which collects <br />sewage from two or more residences or other establishments, consisting of collector lines, pumps, <br />sewage tanks, and soil treatment unit; for the purposes of administration, operation, maintenance, and <br />replacement; individual off-site systems shall be considered community sewage treatment systems. <br />Comprehensive plan means the policies, statements, goals, and interrelated plans for private and <br />public land and water use, transportation, and community facilities, including recommendations for <br />planned execution; documented in text, ordinance, and maps, which constitute the guide for the future <br />development of the community or any portion of the community. <br />Concealed weapon means whenever a person is carrying a weapon that is not readily ascertainable <br />upon observing the person. <br />Conditional use means a specific type of structure or land use listed in individual zoning districts that <br />may be allowed but only after an in-depth review procedure and with appropriate conditions or <br />restrictions as provided in the zoning code. <br />Condominium. See Dwelling, multiple, or apartment building. <br />Conservation easement means an interest in real property created in a manner that imposes limitations <br />or affirmative obligations regarding the use of property, including the retention, protection, and <br />maintenance of open space. <br />Contractor maintenance shop means an area and/or building devoted to use by a person who contracts <br />to do certain work in the fields of building or construction trades. If there is outside storage of <br />construction equipment, it shall be placed to the rear of the contractor's maintenance shop and <br />screened from adjacent properties by a landscape plan approved by the city council. <br />Council or city council means the governing body of the city. <br />County means Washington County, Minnesota. <br />Curb level means the grade elevation of the curb in front of the center of the building. Where no curb <br />has been established, the community engineer shall determine a curb level or its equivalent for the <br />purpose of this definition. <br />Current land use means the land use as it appears on the tax statement. <br />Current resident list means a list of names and addresses of adult residents of the manufactured home <br />park. <br />DNR means the state department of natural resources.
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