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10/16/23, 9:55 AM Print Preview <br /> 14/48 <br />Dangerous dog means any dog that has: <br />(a)Without provocation, inflicted substantial bodily harm on a human being on public or private <br />property; <br />(b)Killed a domestic animal without provocation while off the owner's property; or <br />(c)Been found to be potentially dangerous, and after the owner has notice that the dog is <br />potentially dangerous, the dog aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or <br />domestic animals. <br />Day care center means any facility licensed by the state department of human services and operated <br />for the purpose of providing care, protection, and guidance to 14 or more individuals during only part of <br />a 24-hour day. The term "day care center" includes nursery schools, preschools, day care centers for <br />individuals, and other similar uses, but excludes public and private educational facilities or any facility <br />offering care to individuals for a full 24-hour period. <br />Day spa means a safe, clean commercial establishment, which employs professional licensed <br />therapists whose services include massage and body or facial treatments. Treatments may include <br />body packs and wraps, exfoliation, cellulite and heat treatments, electrolysis, body toning, waxing, <br />aromatherapy, cleansing facials, medical facials, nonsurgical face lifts, electrical toning, and <br />electrolysis. Services may also include hydrotherapy and steam and sauna facilities, nutrition and <br />weight management. No services or facilities may be offered or constructed that would include <br />customer overnight stay. <br />Deadman throttle (safety throttle) means a device which, when pressure is removed from the engine <br />accelerator or throttle, causes the motor to be disengaged from the driving mechanism. <br />Decibel means the unit of sound measured on the "A" weighing scale of a sound level meter, set on <br />slow response, the weighing characteristics of which are specified in the Standards on Sound Level <br />Meters of the USA Standards Institute. <br />Deck means a horizontal, unenclosed platform with or without attached railings, seats, trellises, or other <br />features, attached or functionally related to a principal use or site and at any point extending more than <br />three feet above ground. <br />Dedicated conservation easements means a non-possessory interest in real property imposing <br />limitations on a parcel of land for the purposes of retaining and protecting natural or open space values <br />of real property, assuring its availability for agricultural, forest, recreational, or other open space uses, <br />and protecting natural resources. A conservation easement must be granted to a qualified land trust <br />and the city. At the city's discretion, the conservation easement may go to the city if a qualified land <br />trust does not accept the easement. <br />Depth of lot means the horizontal distance between the frontage right-of-way line and rear lot line. On a <br />corner lot, the side with the largest frontage is its depth, and the side with the lesser frontage is its <br />width. <br />Depth of rear yard means the horizontal distance between the rear building line and the rear lot line. <br />Design standards means the specifications to landowners or subdividers for the preparation of plats, <br />both preliminary and final, indicating, among other things, the optimum, minimum, or maximum <br />dimensions of the items as rights-of-way, blocks, easements, and lots. <br />Designated recycling program means a program for the collection and recycling of recyclable materials <br />which is instituted, sponsored, and controlled by the city and its contracted recycler.