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Title 001 Oct 2023
City Council
City Code
Title 001 Oct 2023
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10/16/2023 9:56:30 AM
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10/16/23, 9:55 AM Print Preview <br /> 16/48 <br />facilities or care as an accessory use. Senior housing shall typically consist of multiple-household <br />attached dwellings, but may include other forms of attached or detached dwelling units as part of a <br />wholly-owned and managed senior project. <br />Eligible park resident means a park resident who satisfies the following criteria: <br />(a)Park lot rent is current within 30 days of the anticipated park closing date and personal property <br />taxes have been paid for the current and prior years. The owner's performance of the <br />agreement shall be secured by a bond or a cash deposit filed with the administrator in the <br />amount of $1,000.00; <br />(b)Manufactured home has been maintained (including the roofing, siding, windows, flooring, and <br />frame pursuant to the manufactured home park standards) for the year in which the <br />manufactured home was constructed and the manufactured home is in good repair as <br />determined by the city's building inspector; <br />(c)Park resident is unable to locate space in a manufactured home park within a 25-mile radius <br />which has the same or less restrictive standards; and <br />(d)Personal credit history is not the reason for the park resident's inability to relocate to another <br />manufactured home park. <br />Emergency means an unforeseen combination of circumstances which calls for immediate action to <br />prevent such circumstances from developing or occurring. <br />Emergency management means the preparation for and the carrying out of all emergency functions, <br />other than functions for which military forces are primarily responsible, to prevent, minimize, and repair <br />injury and damage resulting from disasters caused by fire, flood, tornado, and other acts of nature, or <br />from sabotage, hostile action, or from industrial hazardous material mishaps. These functions include, <br />without limitation, firefighting services, police services, emergency medical services, engineering, <br />warning services, communications, radiological, and chemical, evacuation, congregate care, <br />emergency transportation, existing or properly assigned functions of plant protection, temporary <br />restoration of public utility services and other functions related to civil protection, together with all other <br />activities necessary or incidental for carrying out the foregoing functions. Emergency management <br />includes those activities sometimes referred to as "civil defense" functions. <br />Emergency management forces means the total personnel resources engaged in city-level emergency <br />management functions in accordance with the provisions of LEC 3.16 or any rule or order thereunder. <br />This includes personnel from city departments, authorized volunteers, and private organizations and <br />agencies. <br />Emergency management organization means the staff responsible for coordinating city-level planning <br />and preparation for disaster response. This organization provides city liaison and coordination with <br />federal, state, and local jurisdictions relative to disaster preparedness activities and assures <br />implementation of federal and state program requirements. <br />Engineer means the city engineer. <br />Equal degree of encroachment means a method of determining the location of floodway boundaries so <br />that floodplain lands on both sides of a stream are capable of conveying a proportional share of flood <br />flows. <br />Equivalent residential unit (ERU) sewer systems means a unit of wastewater volume of 250 gallons per <br />day and a strength not greater than 250 mg/L of BOD and 300 mg/L of total suspended solids.
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