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Title 007 Oct 2023
City Council
City Code
Title 007 Oct 2023
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2/18/2025 8:28:07 PM
Creation date
10/16/2023 9:58:42 AM
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10/16/23, 9:58 AM Print Preview <br /> 2/7 <br />(b)Permit application. Every application for a permit must be made on a form supplied by the city <br />and must contain all of the following information: <br />(1)The registered owner's name, address, and telephone number; <br />(2)The make, model, year, and number of the golf cart; <br />(3)Proof of insurance. The applicant must provide evidence of insurance in compliance with <br />the provisions of Minnesota Statutes concerning insurance coverage for golf carts; <br />(4)Current driver's license or reason for not having a current license; and <br />(5)Other information as the city may require. <br />(c)Permit fee. The permit fee shall be as set forth in the city's fee schedule. <br />(d)Approval. No permit shall be granted or renewed unless the following conditions are met: <br />(1)The applicant has not had his or her driver's license revoked as the result of criminal <br />proceedings. <br />(2)If the application for the permit meets all of the requirements of this section, the permit <br />application shall be approved by the Planning Director or his/her designee and a permit <br />shall be issued by the city. <br />(e)Appeal. If a permit application is denied for any reason, the denial may be appealed to the city <br />council. <br />(f)Duration. Permits shall remain valid for a period of three years from the date of issuance. <br />(g)Golf cart operation requirements. The issuance of a permit and adherence to the criteria set <br />forth below are specific to the city. Within the city, golf cart operators holding permits from the <br />city may only operate the golf cart on city streets designated by this section. The following <br />operation requirements shall apply: <br />(1)The operator must have his or her actual physical possession a valid, current, and <br />unrevoked golf cart permit while operating the gold cart on a city street along with proof <br />of insurance; <br />(2)The operator is responsible for operating the gold cart in accordance with this section, <br />and all other city, county, and state laws and regulations; <br />(3)Golf carts must be operated on the pavement and not within any boulevard or ditch, city <br />sidewalk, trail or walkway used for pedestrian travel, or other publicly owned land; <br />(4)A golf cart must only transport as many persons as it was designed by the manufacturer <br />to carry; <br />(5)Golf carts must not be operated on city streets during inclement weather or when <br />visibility is impaired by weather, smoke, fog, or other conditions or at any time when <br />there is insufficient visibility to clearly see persons or vehicles on the roadway at a <br />distance of 500 feet; <br />(6)Every person operating a golf cart on a city street has the rights and duties applicable to <br />the driver of any other vehicle and must comply with the provisions of any traffic law of <br />the city and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169, as it may be amended from time to time, <br />except when these provisions cannot reasonably be applied to motorized golf carts and <br />except as otherwise specifically provided in Minnesota Statutes Section 169.045, <br />subdivision 7, as it may be amended from time to time.
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