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10/16/23, 9:58 AM Print Preview <br /> 2/72 <br />meeting, but not earlier than ten days from the date of submission. The petitioner or petitioner's <br />representative shall appear before the planning commission in order to answer questions <br />concerning the proposed mining. The planning commission shall make its recommendation to <br />the council within 60 days after the submission of the application. The council must take action <br />on the application within 60 days of receiving the recommendation of the planning commission. <br />If it grants the mining permit, the council may impose conditions it considers necessary to <br />protect the health, safety, morals, or general welfare of the city and to ensure the use is in <br />harmony with the general purpose of the intent of this section and the comprehensive plan. No <br />application for a mining permit shall be resubmitted within six months from the date of denial. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />9.04.030 Termination Of Permit <br />(a)Violations. The council may terminate a mining permit for violation of this chapter or a condition <br />of the permit, or for violation of other applicable laws. <br />(b)Notice to terminate. To terminate a permit, the council shall give notice of the violation or other <br />cause for the termination along with an order that the condition be remedied. If the condition has <br />not been repaired within two weeks, the council shall hold a hearing to determine whether the <br />permit should be terminated. <br />(c)Cease operation upon termination. No mining shall take place after the permit is terminated <br />pursuant to this section. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />9.04.040 Application <br />(a)Filing. The application for the permit required in LEC 9.04.020 shall be filed with the <br />administrator for presentation to the council. A fee as set forth from time to time by resolution of <br />the council shall accompany each application. Application for renewal permit must be made 45 <br />days prior to the termination of the previous permit. The application shall be made in the names <br />of the operator of the mine and the owner of the land to be mined. <br />(b)Contents. The application shall contain: <br />(1)The name and address of the operator and owner of the land; <br />(2)The correct legal description of the property where the mining shall occur; <br />(3)Names of neighboring landowners within 350 feet; <br />(4)A map of the property where the mining is to occur that clearly indicates the property <br />lines and the limits of the proposed excavation. Topographic data, including contours at <br />vertical intervals of not more than five feet except where the horizontal contour interval is <br />100 feet or more, a two-foot vertical interval shall be shown on this map. Watercourses, <br />marshes, wooded areas, rock outcrops, power transmission poles and lines, and other <br />significant features shall also be shown. 1929 sea level datum shall be used for all <br />topographic mapping where feasible; <br />(5)The purpose of the removal, storage, or excavation; <br />(6)The estimated time required to complete the removal, storage, or excavation; <br />(7)The plan of operation, including soil processing (any operation other than direct mining <br />and removal), nature of the processing and equipment, location of the plant, source of