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10/16/23, 10:00 AM Print Preview <br /> 2/4 <br />the curfew regulations of the city. <br />(e)Entertainment and amusement businesses. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or <br />corporation in charge of any business establishment to permit a person under 18 years of age to <br />be on or in the place of business in violation of the curfew provisions of the city. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />13.00-II TRAPPING <br />13.00.040 Purpose <br />13.00.050 Violations <br />13.00.060 Permission <br />13.00.040 Purpose <br />It is the purpose of LEC 13.00.040 et seq., to preclude trapping except where specifically approved by <br />the landowner. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />13.00.050 Violations <br />It shall be unlawful to: <br />(a)Set traps within the city without the written permission of the fee owner or contract purchaser of <br />the real property upon which the traps are to be set; permission from a tenant or person holding <br />any other interest in the real property is not valid; <br />(b)To set traps in any park or other public property except for public purposes upon order of the <br />governmental body responsible for or owning the real property; <br />(c)To place any trap within 500 feet of a building occupied by human beings, livestock, or domestic <br />animals, without permission of the owner of the building; <br />(d)To place traps within 200 feet of a public right-of-way for roads; <br />(e)To set or place traps which do not have the trapper's name and either trapper's address or <br />trapper's license number etched onto the trap or onto a metal tag which is welded, brazed, or <br />soldered to the trap or affixed to the trap with a tightly twisted wire or solid metal ring; and/or <br />(f)To set or place traps within 50 feet of the shoreline of any lake, swamp, stream, or other public <br />water. <br />HISTORY <br />Adopted by Ord. 08-253 on 11/3/2021 <br />13.00.060 Permission <br />The written permission must contain a statement allowing the trapper to place the traps, and: <br />(a)Be signed by the fee owner or contract purchaser; <br />(b)Be dated within six months; and <br />(c)Contain a drawing, map, or diagram showing the boundaries of the landowner's real property.