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CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />MAY 29 2023 <br />CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />Mayor Cadenhead called the meeting to order at 7. 00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Charles Cadenhead and Councilmembers Katrina Beckstrom, Matt Him, Jeff <br />Holtz and Lisa McGinn. <br />Staff present: Administrator Handt, City Attorney Sonsalla, City Engineer Griffin, Assistant Public <br />Works Director Swanepoel and City Clerk Johnson. <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />Councilmember Holtz, seconded by Councilmember Hirn, moved TO APPROVE THE <br />AGENDA AS PRESENTED. Motion passed 5 — 0. <br />ACCEPT MINUTES <br />Councilmember McGinn, seconded by Councilmember Holtz, moved TO ACCEPT THE <br />MINUTES OF THE APRIL 4, 2023 AND APRIL 18, 2023 CITY COUNCIL MEETING AS <br />PRESENTED. Motion passed 5 — 0. <br />PRESENTATIONS <br />Mayor Cadenhead presented a certificate of recognition to Public Works Operator Bob Wier for <br />his 5 years of service with the City. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTSANQUIRIES <br />Ada & John Stazny, 9250 Lake Jane Trail N., asked about resident input on the dog park and <br />expressed concern regarding traffic increase in the area due to dog park visitors. <br />James Woods, 461 Cimarron, commented on forever chemicals in the well at Cimarron and <br />parking restrictions on all streets in Cimarron. Mr. Woods described difficulties with accessing <br />his handicap accessible van in his driveway and stated he feels that his federal rights are being <br />violated. <br />John Howley, 8190 Lake Jane Trail N., stated he lives near the proposed pickleball courts at Pebble <br />Park and expressed concern regarding noise created by pickleball games and increased traffic <br />created by the additional courts and dog park. <br />