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being current with all payments and obligations in accordance with the Development Agreement, including <br />a positive escrow balance as required by the City. If removed from the consent agenda, the recommended motion for the action is as follows: <br />“Move to accept the improvements and approve the security reductions and release as detailed in the <br />attached respective worksheets for the Legacy at Northstar 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Additions, contingent on the developer being current with all payments and obligations in accordance with the Development Agreement.” ATTACHMENTS: 1. Security Reduction Worksheet – Legacy at Northstar 1st Addition. 2. Certificate of Completion – Legacy at Northstar 2nd Addition. 3. Security Reduction Worksheet – Legacy at Northstar 2nd Addition. 4. Certificate of Completion – Legacy at Northstar 3rd Addition. 5. Security Reduction Worksheet – Legacy at Northstar 3rd Addition. 6. Certificate of Completion – Legacy at Northstar 4th Addition. 7. Security Reduction Worksheet – Legacy at Northstar 4th Addition.