LEGACY AT NORTH STAR 1ST ADDITION Time of Performance: October 31, 2018DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMOUNTSCATEGORY CONSTRUCTION 125% REMARKS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6Grading $247,500 $247,500Sanitary Sewer $366,592 $458,240100%$229,120 $114,560 $114,560Watermain $306,735 $383,419100%$191,709 $95,855 $95,855Storm Sewer (w/pond structures) $458,365 $572,95675%$429,717Streets + Sidewalks $666,635 $833,29475%$624,970Bituminous Trails $75,670 $94,58875%$70,941Surface Water Facilities NA NAStreet Lighting $36,000 $45,00075%$33,750Street Signs and Traffic Control Signs $8,150 $10,18875%$7,641Private Utilities (electricity, natural gas, telephone, and cable)Builder Landscaping $37,440 $46,80075%$35,100Landscaping $36,800 $46,00075%$34,500Tree Preservation and Restoration NA NAWetland Mitigation and Buffers NA NAIncluded in Grading SecurityMonuments $5,900 $7,37575%$5,531Erosion Control NA NAIncluded in Grading SecurityTurn Lane + By-pass Lane $166,290 $207,86375%$155,897Record Drawings $5,000 $6,25075%$4,688TOTALS $2,417,077 $2,959,471RELEASED AMOUNTS:$420,829 $210,415 $1,333,134 $210,415 $69,600 $0$2,250,787 $2,751,609CUMMULATIVE AMOUNTS:$420,829 $631,244 $1,964,378 $2,174,793 $2,244,393SECURITY AMOUNT REMAINING:$2,330,779 $2,120,365 $995,093 $784,678 $715,078DATE: 1/15/2019 9/17/2019 1/5/2021 12/20/2022 1/2/2024REDUCTIONS