NORTHPORT 1ST ADDITION Time of Performance: October 31, 2018DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMOUNTSCATEGORY CONSTRUCTION 125% REMARKS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6Grading NA $114,100Included in Phase 1 $114,100Sanitary Sewer $480,346 $600,433 $450,324 $150,108Watermain $362,155 $452,694 $339,520 $113,173Storm Sewer (w/pond structures) $591,406 $739,258 $369,629 $184,814 $184,814Streets + Sidewalks + Turn Lanes $636,008 $795,010 $397,505 $198,753 $198,753Bituminous Trails $34,876 $43,595 $32,696 $10,899Surface Water Facilities $50,000 $62,500 $46,875 $15,625Street Lighting $72,000 $90,000 $67,500 $22,500Street Signs and Traffic Control Signs $2,600 $3,250 $2,438 $813Private Utilities (electricity, natural gas, telephone, and cable)Landscaping $192,025 $240,031$180,023Tree Preservation and Restoration NA NAWetland Mitigation and Buffers NA NAMonuments $4,860 $6,075 $4,556 $1,519Erosion Control $23,670 $29,588 $22,191 $7,397Miscellaneous Facilities NA NARecord Drawings $30,000 $37,500 $28,125 $9,375TOTALS $2,479,946 $3,214,034RELEASED AMOUNTS:$1,556,978 $114,100 $587,948 $263,282 $180,023 $451,694$774,983CUMMULATIVE AMOUNTS:$1,556,978 $1,671,078 $2,259,026 $2,522,308 $2,702,331 $3,154,025SECURITY AMOUNT REMAINING:$1,657,055 $1,542,955 $955,008 $691,726 $511,703 $60,008DATE:1/15/2019 11/5/2019 12/6/2022 12/20/2022 12/5/2023 1/2/2024REDUCTIONS