NORTHPORT 2ND ADDITION Time of Performance: October 31, 2018DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMOUNTSCATEGORY CONSTRUCTION 125% REMARKS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6Grading NA NAIncluded in Phase 1Sanitary Sewer $73,001 $91,251 $68,438 $22,813Watermain $60,130 $75,163 $56,372 $18,791Storm Sewer (w/pond structures) $234,091 $292,614 $146,307 $73,153 $73,153Streets + Sidewalks $237,114 $296,393 $148,196 $74,098 $74,098Bituminous Trails $7,500 $9,375 $7,031 $2,344Surface Water Facilities NA NAStreet Lighting $12,000 $15,000 $11,250 $3,750Street Signs and Traffic Control Signs $625 $781 $586 $195Private Utilities (electricity, natural gas, telephone, and cable)Landscaping $52,500 $65,625$49,219Tree Preservation and Restoration NA NAWetland Mitigation and Buffers NA NAMonuments $2,900 $3,625 $2,719 $906Erosion Control NA NAMiscellaneous Facilities NA NARecord Drawings $5,000 $6,250 $4,688 $1,563TOTALS $684,861 $856,077RELEASED AMOUNTS:$124,810 $294,503 $173,525 $41,603 $49,219 $156,009CUMMULATIVE AMOUNTS:$124,810 $419,313 $592,838 $634,442 $683,661 $839,670SECURITY AMOUNT REMAINING:$731,267 $436,764 $263,239 $221,635 $172,417 $16,406DATE:1/15/2019 10/1/2019 12/6/2022 12/20/2022 12/5/2023 1/2/2024REDUCTIONS