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Metro-INET Acceptable Use Policy Version 3.0 1/1/2024 <br />7 <br /> <br />The loss or theft of a removable media device that may have contained agency information must be <br />reported to your supervisor immediately. <br /> <br />Metro-INET can assist in the encryption of media. <br /> Hardware <br />In general, Metro-INET or the agency will provide the hardware required for an employee to perform <br />their job duties. Requests for new or different hardware should be made to your supervisor, who will <br />forward the request to Metro-INET for review to ensure appropriate standards are satisfied. <br /> <br />Only agency staff may use agency computer equipment. Use of agency equipment by family members, <br />friends, or others is strictly prohibited. <br /> <br />Employees are responsible for the proper use and care of agency computer equipment. Computer <br />equipment must be secured while off premises. Computer equipment should not be exposed to extreme <br />temperature or humidity. <br /> <br />Metro-INET may encrypt the storage of Metro-INET supported hardware to prevent data loss due to <br />misplaced agency equipment. <br /> Software <br />In general, Metro-INET or the agency will provide the software required for an employee to perform <br />their job duties. Requests for new or different software should be made to your supervisor, who will <br />forward the request to Metro-INET for review to ensure appropriate standards are satisfied. <br /> <br />Only agency staff may use agency software. Use of agency software by family members, friends, or <br />others is strictly prohibited. <br /> <br />Software shall not be downloaded or installed on Metro-INET supported computers without the prior <br />approval of Metro-INET. Exceptions to this include updates to software approved by Metro-INET such as <br />Microsoft updates, or other productivity software updates. <br /> <br />Metro-INET may, without notice, remove any unauthorized programs or software, equipment, <br />downloads, or other resources. <br /> <br />Software is to be in a current and supported state and have security related and critical updates applied <br />within the timeframe set by the Metro-INET Information Security Manager. <br /> <br />Incidental Use <br />Incidental personal use of agency owned resources and related equipment is accepted. <br /> <br />Reasonable, incidental personal use of agency computers and software should never preempt or <br />interfere with work. Employees are responsible for exercising good judgment regarding the <br />reasonableness of personal use. <br /> <br />Personal files are not to be stored on Metro-INET supported computer equipment. <br />