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#16 - Personnel Policy Updates
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#16 - Personnel Policy Updates
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TELEWORK <br /> <br /> <br />uninterrupted work time for a special project. <br />Generally, an employee will choose between a routine or situational telework option. All telework options <br />require approval by the supervisor, department head, Administrative Services Director, and City <br />Administrator and must meet all requirements as defined in this policy. <br />ELIGIBILITY <br /> <br />To be eligible to telework, the employee’s job must be suitable to telework, and the employee must meet the <br />following criteria: <br />• Must have and maintain a satisfactory performance. <br />• Have been employed with the City for three (3) or more months. <br />• Maintain a reliable high-speed, broadband internet connection. The internet connection speeds must be <br />verified, and the employee shall provide a screenshot of the speed test results with the Telework Agreement form, showing both the download and upload speeds. <br /> <br />Department Directors are responsible for determining if a job is suitable for telework and if an employee is <br />capable of teleworking. Each telework agreement will be determined on a case-by-case basis using the <br />following criteria: <br />• The business needs of the department. <br />• Ensuring business coverage is maintained - a minimum of one employee from each department will be <br />available on site at the primary work location during business hours. <br />• The employee’s duties and responsibilities. <br />• The employee’s ability to perform job duties from a remote location, e.g., customer facing, providing <br />office coverage, etc. <br />• Ability to perform job duties during approved work schedule and be available during normal work <br />hours. <br />• Employee’s current and past job performance. <br />• Expectations for future performance by the employee and how performance will be measured. <br />• Positive or negative effects on quality customer service. <br />• Positive or negative effects on the department, division, and City of Lake Elmo as a whole. <br />• Availability of high-speed internet at the remote work site. <br />• Whether the employee has demonstrated essential work skills, such as time management, organization <br />skills, self-motivation, and the ability to work independently. <br />• Other potential distractions to the teleworker should be considered and conflicting demands resolved <br />in advance of commencing a teleworking agreement. <br /> APPROVAL PPROCESS AND TELEWORK AGREEMENT <br /> <br />1. Employees shall complete and submit to their supervisor the Telework Agreement form along with a <br />picture of their home work space and a screenshot of their internet download and upload speeds. <br />2. The supervisor and the employee will schedule a meeting to discuss the telework arrangement. This <br />meeting is an opportunity to ask clarifying questions and ensure that both the supervisor and the <br />employee have a mutual understanding about the expectations for the arrangement. <br />3. If the supervisor approves the request, they are responsible for consulting with the Administrative <br />Services Director to ensure all technology requirements are met before signing the agreement and <br />obtaining Department Head and City Administrator approval. <br />4. Completed forms will be placed in the employees’ personnel file in the administration department. <br />Modifications to the telework agreement or a change in the employee’s position require a newly completed <br />Telework Agreement form. Telework agreements shall be reviewed by the supervisor and renewed (at a minimum) annually. <br /> <br />TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AND WORK ENVIRONMENT <br /> <br />An employee has no automatic right to telework, and the City has the right to refuse or deny any teleworking
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