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#16 - Personnel Policy Updates
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#16 - Personnel Policy Updates
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TELEWORK <br /> <br /> <br />request from an employee. The City and/or the employee may terminate a telework agreement at any time for any reason. <br />Teleworking does not change the terms and conditions of employment such as salary, benefits, or job <br />responsibilities and work tasks. When working from a telework location, that location will be considered <br />the temporary place of reporting. Teleworkers work at an approved location during work hours as agreed <br />upon by the teleworker and supervisor and will not do work at any other time or anywhere else unless <br />approved by their supervisor. <br /> <br />Teleworkers do not receive a special commuting allowance when working at the telework location. Overtime, <br />compensatory time, or leave provisions contained in City policies are not altered to accommodate a telework <br />arrangement. <br /> <br />Teleworkers are responsible for having a designated workspace suitable for completing the work assigned. <br />The area should be free of health and safety hazards and/or obstructions. <br /> <br />Teleworkers are responsible for all expenses necessary to set up their telework location, including expenses <br />associated with establishing, maintaining, and modifying workspaces and internet connectivity. <br />Additionally, teleworkers will not receive any mileage reimbursement for commuting between their <br />telework location and primary work location. <br />A remote worker' s existing insurance policy may not include coverage for liability arising out of the use of <br />a residence for a business purpose. Remote workers are solely responsible for determining an appropriate level of coverage based on their own circumstances. <br /> <br />Federal and State tax implications of remote work and the potential use of a home office are the <br />responsibility of the employee. <br /> <br />If an employee has a designated home workspace, that space is considered an extension of the City's <br />workspace during scheduled remote work hours for purposes of worker' s compensation. <br /> <br /> PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND EXPECTATIONS OF TELEWORKERS <br /> Performance standards for teleworkers are no less than those of employees working in City offices or <br />buildings doing the same work. If modifications to the standards are necessary, they must be discussed with <br />and approved by the supervisor. <br /> <br />Employees entering a telework agreement will generally have a telework schedule consistent with their work <br />schedule and provisions of the telework arrangement. Work schedules for onsite and offsite work hours are <br />pre-approved by the employee's supervisor if different from the arrangement specifications. <br /> Teleworkers will be as accessible and available as their onsite counterparts during their agreed upon <br />telework schedule, regardless of work location. Teleworkers are expected to be available and working during <br />all hours of their telework schedule. They must be available by telephone, email, Microsoft Teams, and video <br />conferencing at a minimum. This includes, without limitation, attending scheduled meetings using <br />applicable technology or onsite and being available to customers, clients, coworkers, supervisors, and <br />others. Business meetings and vendor/client visits in the employee’s home are prohibited. <br /> <br />There will be times when teleworkers will be expected to be at the primary work location on days when they <br />have scheduled telework hours, such as for mandatory meetings and training, and when the need to conduct <br />city business in person is necessary. Supervisors may recall teleworkers back to the primary work location <br />during emergency situations to assist in mitigating the situation. In these circumstances, the employee can <br />resume normal teleworking once the meeting, training, or emergency is over. <br /> <br />Non-exempt (hourly) employees must report actual hours worked and may not work overtime or additional <br />hours, without advance approval by their supervisor.
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