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07-17-2012 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-17-2012 CCM
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LAKE <br />JULY i ' <br />ITEM 10: RESOLUTION 2012-34 2012 STREET AND WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS <br />APPROVE ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT <br />City Engineer Griffin provided a financial update of the construction project proposal, noting the <br />increased storm and drainage costs in the feasibility study included a 10% contingency. The <br />approximate savings of $30,000 in the design engineering component assist in being under budget <br />for the project. <br />Council Member Pearson requested clarification of the design proposal project and the cheaper <br />engineering costs. <br />MOTION: Council Member Park moved to authorize Accepting the Bids and Awarding a Contract for <br />the 2012 Street and Water Quality Improvements. Council Member Pearson seconded the motion. <br />Motion passed 4-0. <br />ITEM 11: KEATS AVENUE NORTH MSA STREET IMPROVEMENT ENGINEER'S UPDATE ON <br />PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZE REPORT REVISIONS <br />City Engineer Griffin provided a brief review of the proposed Keats Avenue MSA Street <br />Improvements in preparation of the August 21, 2012, Public Hearing. The City had requested a <br />variance from the State Aid Office Rural Section Standards for 11-ft drive lanes (12-ft standard), 5-ft <br />shoulders (6-ft standard), and a "Clear Zone" of 15-ft (30-ft standard) but was denied, citing safety, <br />primarily regarding the 30 foot clear zone. He reported that to provide the required 30 foot clear <br />zone would require right-of-way acquisition, utility pole relocation, significant tree removal and <br />culvert work that would. total $845,000 additional project cost beyond the previously estimated <br />$1.1 million. City Engineer Griffin reported he had identified three improvement options meeting <br />MSA standards for consideration by the City. Based on the best value to the City, the <br />recommendation is to have an urban section street where a clear zone is not applicable. Another <br />option would be to reconstruct the street to the original plan rural section and not use State Aid <br />funding. He noted concerns where the City would come up with money without State Aid. He <br />reported that the extra cost for the curb and gutter would be $147,000. <br />Council Member Pearson asked why the engineer thought that the State would approve the <br />variances. City Engineer Griffin responded that he felt comfortable with approval based on early <br />discussions with MnDOT staff, and the fact that there have been few accidents on that roadway of <br />consequence or involving vehicles leaving the roadway into what would be the safety zone. <br />Mayor Johnston asked if the shoulder stripes could be moved "in" like on Demontreville to better <br />accommodate non -vehicular users. City Engineer Griffin indicated that he did not think so, and that <br />there was limited non -vehicular traffic on this roadway. <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />
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