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07-17-2012 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-17-2012 CCM
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Council Member Pearson asked if State Aid funds were not used on this project, could those funds <br />be applied elsewhere in the City. City Engineer Griffin responded that they could be used on <br />another MSA designated street, but that this roadway was in very poor condition and is a good <br />application of the MSA funding to save City maintenance expenses in the future. <br />City Administrator Zuleger inquired if the curb and gutter would be assessed for this alternative. <br />City Engineer Griffin replied that the assessment policy does address curb and gutter but the City <br />would need to decide if this should be an accessible cost for this application. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Smith regarding the potential large amount of <br />assessments over very few property owners, City Engineer Griffin indicated that the City cost share <br />increases to cover the oversize costs for a collector roadway. He reminded the Council that this <br />project is married to the water main extension project that he believes to be critical to the City's <br />overall water system all the way to the I-94 corridor. <br />Council Member Pearson asked if it was an option to delay the water project. City Engineer Griffin <br />responded that the water extension was needed before the City could expand the water system to <br />meet future growth. Council Member Pearson stated that if that is the case, the water and street <br />project needs to be done now. <br />City Administrator Zuleger reported that Council Member Emmons could not attend this evening's <br />meeting but had concerns with the water system hydraulics and the road project cost. <br />Council Member Smith expressed concern with the cost to redesign the road project, and that she is <br />not pleased with the curb and gutter that would be included in the redesign to an urban section. <br />City Administrator Zuleger stated that Staff is very concerned with bringing clean water to City <br />residents, and the I-94 corridor. He stated that the City needs to make this project work as it is <br />important for bringing that clean water to areas that require it in the City. <br />MOTION: Council Member Park moved to direct the City Engineer to revise the Feasibility Report for <br />the Keats Avenue North MSA Street and Trunk Watermain Improvements in Preparation for the <br />Continuance of the Public Improvement Hearing on August 21, 2012, Mayor Johnston seconded the <br />motion. Motion passed 4-0. <br />ITEM 12: OLD VILLAGE AREA MUNICIPAL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE INITIATE <br />PRELIMINARY STUDY <br />City Engineer Griffin requested council to consider authorizing a preliminary study to provide <br />sewer for the downtown village area, which is the first step necessary to address the proposed <br />improvements to identify the gravity sanitary sewer route alternatives throughout the Village. <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />
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