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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTE11 <br />2012 <br />MOTION: Council Member Pearson moved to authorize the City Engineer to initiate the Preliminary <br />Study for the Inwood Avenue Trunk Watermain and Booster Station project in the amount of $6,800, <br />with the intention to recover the costs through WAC and/or assessments. Council Member Park <br />seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. <br />ITEM 14: ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT ORGANIZED COLLECTION FEASIBILITY AND <br />PROPOSED 2014 FLAN OF WORK SCHEDULE <br />City Administrator Zuleger explained the process of organized collection, the feasibility of taking on <br />the project, the proposed 2014 plan of work schedule and the justification of the recommendation <br />for the plan presented. Mayor Johnston expressed his support of the program but agreed this <br />would be a significant project to add to the number of significant projects already underway in the <br />City, and recommended staff continue to glean information in the schedule provided. Council <br />Member Park supported the length of the plan presented to the Council. <br />Council Members expressed support for project, the information provided, an extension for the <br />project. They cautioned Staff to spend any additional time during the interim other than to <br />continue collecting data. City Administrator Zuleger reported that it is a 15-month process, and he <br />will continue providing information and keep collecting data prior to adopting a resolution. <br />MOTION: Council Member Park moved to approve the Schedule for Staff to Commence Planning to <br />Transition the City of Lake Elmo from Open Collection of Residential Solid Waste to Organized <br />Collection of Solid Waste in 2014. MayorJohnston seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. <br />Council Members discussed delaying action until 2014 as Staff and Council already had a full <br />schedule. Council Member Pearson appreciated the extension to 2014, but stated he also did not <br />want staff to expend too much time on it in the interim. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved to rescind the motion for Organized Trash Collection. <br />Council Member Pearson seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0, <br />MOTION: Council Member Pearson moved to table further discussion until a full City Council was <br />present. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. <br />City Administrator Zuleger explained that two Library Board positions will become available in <br />November 2012. <br />Discussion ensued between the council members and staff regarding open communications in the <br />process, maintaining an inventory and welcoming applicants for the various commissions in the <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />