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07-17-2012 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-17-2012 CCM
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ri1 <br />Mayor Johnston asked if it was private property specific, in relationship to assessments. Council <br />Members also discussed homes on Legion Avenue, and if homes south of 30th Street should include <br />both sides of the street as they currently have a 201 System. City Administrator Zuleger <br />commented that residents on Lake Elmo Avenue are also interested. <br />City Engineer Griffin addressed the lift station concerns for a gravity line forced main along 30th <br />Street, and dropping a second smaller lift station about half -way down the line. Individual lift <br />stations would not be feasible. <br />Mayor Johnston inquired whether these costs would be recovered through assessments or charges <br />to which City Engineer Griffin responded there are ways to recover these costs. Council inquired <br />what areas would be included in this project. City Engineer Griffin responded those are the <br />questions that would be answered during this preliminary study. <br />Council Member Smith confirmed that the gravity line was always planned to coincide when <br />Washington County was revamping Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />City Engineer Griffin stated that Washington County would life to work with the City to <br />discuss the Lake Elmo Avenue reconstruction project, currently scheduled for 201.8. He will <br />notify the Council and Administrator when a meeting is scheduled. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved to authorize the City Engineer to initiate the Preliminary <br />Study for the Old Village Area Sanitary Sewer project in the estimated amount of $16,500, with the <br />intention to recover the costs through SAC and/or assessments. Mayor Johnston seconded the motion. <br />Motion passed 4-0. <br />ITEM 13: INWOOD AVENUE TRUNK WATERMAIN AND BOOSTER STATION e INI'T'IATE <br />PRELIMINARY STUDY <br />City Engineer Griffin requested the Council to consider authorizing FOCUS Engineering, Inc. to <br />initiate the engineering work for the Inwood Avenue Trunk Watermain and Booster station project. <br />The Preliminary Study would cost an estimated $6,800. <br />Council Member Pearson discussed right-of-way easements and of bringing it east to utilize more <br />users. <br />City Engineer Griffin explained that in order to get this project ready for the 2013, the City <br />needs to begin the preliminary study at this time. <br />Council Members discussed their desire to recover the report costs and inquired how to accomplish <br />this, similar to Old Village Project costs. City Administrator Zuleger reported that the majority of <br />those costs are recoverable by building in some of those costs into the water and sewer, and serving <br />properties, and provided added recommended language to the motion to approve. <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />
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