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09-18-2012 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-18-2012 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> SEPTEMBER 18, 2012 <br /> <br />Page 3 of 6 <br /> <br />ITEM 11: (Taken up later in meeting to accommodate additional public comments) <br />ITEM 12: LEGION AVENUE SEWER SURVEY RESULTS City Administrator Zuleger explained the survey process and results (nine YES responses, six NO responses) and provided the current status of the project. Many of the respondents inquired about the cost. He expressed that the costs will be estimated by staff and should be completed in October. Staff is planning on extending the survey south to include additional properties on Lake Elmo Avenue. Council Member Emmons inquired about specific sections (specifically south of 30th Street) of the area and whether they would or should be included in the survey. He expressed his interest to keep the area in consideration going forward. Mayor Johnston inquired whether the survey is necessary for the properties across the street if state law required connection regardless. City Attorney Snyder explained that the Council has discretion in conducting a survey. He explained the options of neighborhood meetings, workshops, and surveys and the respective pros and cons of each. Ultimately, terms of hook-up and timing are up to the City’s discretion. City Administrator Zuleger recommended continuing with the survey for consistency and data integrity. Council Member Park inquired how the south side of the area would hook up to the sewer line. City Engineer Griffin stated if the sewer is made available a service stub would be available and property outside of the area would not receive a stub so the value of the survey is to determine the interest and to determine if the MUSA needs amending. The specific design of the project has not been done yet, so specifics such as pipe location are undetermined. Council Member Smith reminded the Council that staff was previously directed to consider this area. Justin Bloyer, 8881 Jane Road North, approached the council and asked whether these units would count towards the rec units, to which Mayor Johnston replied in the affirmative. <br />SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Council Member Pearson reported meeting with the City of Oakdale to discussed truck sharing. He asked for the Council’s support of the program, and all members confirmed their support. Mr. Pearson also reported the library board had a meeting and was discussing hiring a fulltime librarian. He asked whether there would be council support for this action. Council Member Emmons inquired how this would fit in the previous plans. Mr. Pearson responded that the Board would best be able to answer that question, but previous plans included paying off the existing debt. City Attorney Snyder asked that council put this on as an agenda item for a future meeting. Mr. Pearson just asked that council be aware of the discussion. Mayor Johnston asked that the library board present the item at a later meeting. City Administrator Zuleger added that he met with Judy Gibson of the library board, and they are working on 2013 objectives and goals, which includes staffing needs.
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