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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> SEPTEMBER 18, 2012 <br /> <br />Page 4 of 6 <br /> <br />Council Member Smith reported she would like to see a list of expenditures for the library to date. She thanked all volunteers at Lake Elmo Days and stated the event was very successful and expressed her appreciation for the sporting events and especially thanked staff who helped make the event such a great success. Council Member Emmons also thanked the many volunteers at Lake Elmo Days. Council Member Park expressed her excitement for all of the new staff: Deputy Clerk Adam Bell, Taxpayer Services and Communications Coordinator Alyssa MacLeod and Building Official Rick Chase. Mayor Johnston reported participating in a meeting at Cimarron with residents and Washington County. That meeting also included a discussion about a book exchange with the library. The Mayor also reported working at Lake Elmo Days for the Rotary, touring with the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission at Lake Elmo Park Reserve, attending a Metropolitan Council meeting and appointed chair of the Parks and Open Space Commission. He also gave a brief update on the gateway corridor stating the transportation was mainly proposed in Woodbury. City Administrator Zuleger reported he and Finance Director met with Northland Securities. Staff will be submitting a Utilities Pro Forma that does not include any legal settlement in order to provide a baseline. Along with Public Works Director Bouthilet, he met with the Parks Commission. The Commission has developed a plan of work for 2013. Mr. Zuleger reported the new weekly newsletter called “Fresh” will begin being published soon. He reported that he had a discussion with the Oakdale City Administrator about providing water service to the Keats Avenue/Eagle Point area of Lake Elmo as well as public works and safety collaboration. Mr. Zuleger provided a recap of the 9/12 staff retreat. Staff is addressing train whistle issues that have emerged. City Attorney Snyder reported the detachment hearing had been sustained by the Washington County District Court, and an appeal may be necessary. He proposed a closed/executive meeting on the ongoing litigation. City Engineer Griffin had no additional report other than his written reported previously provided to council. Planning Director Klatt reported scheduling a town hall meeting regarding the Village Land Use Plan. Staff has also been working with the Minnesota Land Trust to identify options for open space preservation. A Village work group meeting is also scheduled before the town hall meeting. Finance Director Bendel reported she has primarily been wrapping up budget items. October will entail storm water assessments, street assessments in November, and regular water assessments in December. She also notified the Council that she will be attending a Government Finance Officers Association conference. City Administrator Zuleger noted that Planning Director Klatt will be attending the upcoming American Planning Association conference. Mr. Zuleger also will be attending and lecturing at a lean government conference in Steven’s Point, WI.