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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 15, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 4 of 10 <br /> <br /> Mayor Pearson said all four candidates were excellent. It was noted that the Council did discuss the candidates prior to the current meeting in open forum immediately after the interviews. It was also broadcast live on the City Cable channel. Council Member Smith said two candidates have experience. It may not matter, but experience does and would help. Council Member Park acknowledged that it is a tough decision and a tough role. Ms. Park recommended Wally Nelson. She also invited those who are not selected to run for council in the future. Council Member Bloyer said that ideology does play into his decision. He also recommends Wally Nelson. Mayor Pearson was pleased with all the candidates. However, he also recommends Wally Nelson Council Member Smith said that she might give more weight to those with experience, but believes that unanimity is also important and therefore accepts the council’s proposal and recommends Wally Nelson. Council Member Park noted that she has received many phone calls expressing public preference for Wally Nelson. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer MOVED TO APPOINT WALLY NELSON TO THE COUNCIL FOR THE <br />REMAINDER OF THE TERM PREVIOUSLY HELD BY COUNCIL MEMBER MIKE PEARSON, AND HIS <br />APPOINTMENT SHALL EXPIRE ON JANUARY 5, 2015. Council Member Park seconded the motion. <br />MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br /> <br />ITEM 15: APPROVE NEW YEAR-END AUDIT FIRM Finance Director Bendel provided a summary of the audit firm rfp process. Stated both firms are excellent. City has used Abdo for ten years. Ms. Bendel noted Jason Miller from Smith Schaefer and Associates is in attendance. There is a potential for $21,000 dollar savings in the three years of the life of the contract. City Administrator Zuleger noted that the state auditors like new sets of eyes on the books every so often. He stated that he has stressed the internal control aspect in his communications. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith MOVED TO APPROVE THE THREE YEAR ANNUAL AUDIT <br />CONTRACT TO SMITH SCHAFER AND ASSOCIATES BEGINNING WITH YEAR-END 2012. Council <br />Member Bloyer seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />