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01-15-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-15-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 15, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 5 of 10 <br /> <br />ITEM 16: APPOINTMENT OF REQUIRED OFFICIALS TO FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION BOARD OF <br />TRUSTEES City Administrator Zuleger explained the requirement of annually appointing the board members. Council Member Smith expressed her preference for appointing Council Member-Elect Wally Nelson however questioned the ability to do so before he is sworn in. City Clerk Bell noted that the Council has the option of having Council Member-Elect Nelson swear-in immediately. It was decided to appoint Mr. Nelson contingent upon his swearing in at the scheduled 2/5/12 date. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith MOVED TO APPOINT FIRE CHIEF GREG MALMQUIST, FINANCE <br />DIRECTOR CATHY BENDEL, AND COUNCIL MEMBER-ELECT WALLY NELSON, CONTINGENT UPON <br />HIS SWEARING IN. Council Member Park seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br /> <br />ITEM 17: CONSTRUCTION SECURITIES CODE AMENDMENT; ORDINANCE 08-065 Planning Director Klatt gave overview of background of the current code and how it has practically been used. Amendment is needed to bring the code language in line with the way the securities have been used. It is being expanded to include all construction instead of just the curb and gutter work that the current language allows for. Discussion was had regarding what construction this would actually pertain to. It was suggested that the word “significant” be added to clarify what types of construction projects. MOTION: Council Member Park MOVED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 08-065 AS AMENDED, APPROVING <br />THE CITY CODE AMENDMENT REQUIRING A SECURITY ESCROW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF <br />NEW STRUCTURES AND OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONSTRUCTION-RELATED PROJECTS AT THE <br />DISCRETION OF THE CITY. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0; <br />ITEM 18: LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS CODE AMENDMENT; ORDINANCE 08-066 <br /> Planning Director Klatt gave overview of landscaping. This primarily clarifies the establishment of turf on properties. Concerns were expressed about the language “existing” properties and what it applies to. City Administrator Zuleger provided further explanation. A discussion was had regarding how it is important to make sure properties that are not able to install turf due to seasonal limitations are still held responsible but given a reasonable accommodation. It was determined that the word “new” should replace “existing”. Resident Greg McGrath of 1509 15th St. N. spoke about how his landscape plan never was put in. His landscape plan was entered into the record. Lake Elmo is known as the Wild West. Developers leave, but the residents are the ones who live here.
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