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01-15-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-15-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 15, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 8 of 10 <br /> <br />Dean explained that it is a discussion of philosophy. It is important to update the ordinance to be ready and in line for the forthcoming growth. Developers are looking for a fixed cost. They prefer a flat fee per acre for business and commercial land. Staff recommends 7% for residential and $4000/acre for commercial and business. This Percentage costs actually increase costs to developers. Smith expressed her discomfort with deciding issue tonight. Needs more time to study. She asked asked that item be postponed. Funds go to parks and trails, and City must be cautious not to undercharge developers. Need to think about best interest of city. She believes that City should get the maximum amount it can. Ms. Smith formally requested that Council wait to act. Council asked that the item be brought back next meeting. It was noted that Parks Commission should weigh in. City wants to be competitive, but not forgo revenue. Parks Commission should look at what to do with the money. Council Member Smith noted that the plan dictates what the fee should be based on what needs to be accomplished. Other cities should also be looked at to see what is done. Council Member Smith reiterated that the comprehensive plan needs to be followed and the rate should enable meeting the goals stated in the plan. Council Member Bloyer noted that those goals may need to be re-examined to make sure they are in-line with the new Council’s direction. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith MOVED TO TABLE ITEM 12. Council Member Park seconded the <br />motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br /> <br />Council Member Park noted that a student was in attendance at the meeting. Mayor Pearson <br />signed his paperwork for class credit. The Council thanked him for coming. ITEM 22: ESTABLISHMENT OF FINANCE & HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE City Administrator Zuleger explained the committee structure and the benefits thereof. Staff is proposing a Finance Committee and Human Resources Committee. These committees would operate to assist staff and council. Mr. Zuleger stated the three recommended motions. There are individuals in the community who have expressed interest. A public Safety committee is also something staff would like, but is not the top priority at this time. Council Member Smith asked about the Economic Development Committee. It was explained that the proposed Economic Development Authority would be in lieu of the committee. MOTION 1: Council Member Smith MOVED TO APPROVE, PER THE 2013 PLAN OF WORK, THE <br />CREATION OF THE CITY OF LAKE ELMO FINANCE COMMITTEE AND THE CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE AS AD HOC ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />THROUGH 2013. Council Member Bloyer seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0.
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