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01-15-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-15-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 15, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 7 of 10 <br /> <br /> Discussion was had about how the burden of providing the infrastructure has been shared by the entire City and the church has only benefitted. The church did not bear the cost of the infrastructure but residents near the area have and are going to. The specifics of the request were clarified. The extension would allow six months to identify the easement dedication, and if still no developer at that time, church will have to ask for another extension. The situation with the previous right of way granted along Highway 36 was clarified and various issues that have arisen were identified. Council Member Smith inquired about the status of the pre-existing house on the property. It was unclear if it was included Associate City Attorney Brekken advised that the language “only after” the dedication of the easement. The use of the word “only” could limit the Council’s ability to grant an extension if the easement was not established in that timeframe. He advised Council to remove the word “only”. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Park moved TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FROM ROCKPOINT CHURCH TO <br />EXTEND THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT A FINAL PLAT RELATED TO HIDDEN MEADOWS 2ND <br />ADDITION FOR A PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS UNTIL AUGUST 2, 2013, WITH THE UNDERSTANDING <br />FURTHER EXTENSIONS TO BE CONSIDERED AFTER THE DEDICATION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT <br />ACROSS THE CHURCH’S PROPERTY CONSISTENT WITH THE LOCATION OF A PLANNED 16” <br />WATER LINE. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br /> <br />ITEM 21: APPROVE PURCHASE OF PERMIT WORKS SOFTWARE APPLICATION Planning Director Klatt gave overview of why the software is needed. Current software is from 2000 and is out of date. New software would cover permits, licensing and code enforcement. It will be more efficient and streamlined. Staff looked at three different systems. Web-based are expensive. Permit works has made great strides in improving and listening to communities/users. One of the benefits is the other users, including the City of Hugo, and the increased access staff will have. A discussion was had about the funding. It was explained that the purchase would initially come out of the undesignated fund balance, but cost recovery is built into fees. Next year the maintenance will be included in the budget. MOTION: Council Member Pearson MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF PERMIT WORKS <br />SOFTWARE AT A TOTAL IMPLEMENTATION COST NOT TO EXCEED $21,000 AND ANNUAL ON- <br />GOING SUPPORT BEGINNING IN 2013 NOT TO EXCEED $4,200. Council Member Bloyer seconded <br />the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br /> <br />ITEM 12: SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC LAND DEDICATION; <br />ORDINANCE 08-XXX
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