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01-30-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-30-2013 CCM
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City Council Workshop Minutes <br />Present: Mayor Pearson, Council Members Smith, Park, Bloyer, and Member-Elect Nelson <br />Also Present: City Admin Zuleger, Director of Planning Klatt, City Planner Johnson, City Clerk Bell, Nadine <br />Obermeuller planning, Julie Fliflet OVWG, Steve DeLapp OVWG, Todd Williams Planning, Kathy haggard <br />Planning, Rolf Larson Planning, harry mehlander <br /> <br />Meeting was brought to order at 5:46 P.M. <br />Park moved to approve agenda smith 2nd passed 4-0 <br /> <br />Julie Fliflet presented overview of old village land use map on behalf of the OVWG <br />Land use plan are intended to be flexible. Plan is not final workgroup plan. OVWG invites input. <br /> <br />Anne Smith gave overview of the discussions held with MetCouncil regarding densities. The point was <br />that the average densities had to be met, but the city was able to meet those as it saw best. <br />Mayor Pearson identified that Harry Melander had arrived and that the work group would continue <br />following <br />Dean introduced harry. All attendees were introduced. Harry gave overview of his background. Harry <br />opened it up for questions. <br /> <br />Mayor pearson explained that the city would like to have a downgrading of the target growth goals. <br />Dean asked what the likelihood was that the council would provide relief in the targets based on the <br />good faith efforts by the city and the lack of metro growth. Harry said while he cannot speak for the <br />metc, it could be possible and that each situation would be examined independently. <br />Smith expressed her positive feelings toward the progress since 2005. Smith wants Le’s Rep to be <br />positive. Harry affirmed that MEtc’s staff is positive <br />Harry commented that the issue of mass transit was expanding. Mayor pearson asked how the impact <br />of the western suburbs play into that. A discussion was had about the uniqueness of east side. Both <br />sides only have so much expansion discussed the impact of western Wisconsin has on the area. Growth <br />is a factor for the future, but currently limited to 7 county metro.
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