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Sewer and failing septic systems. Groundwater is becoming a very important issue. Discussion was had <br />about how the groundwater and the impact of density growth played against each other. Currently the <br />Metc does not have authority to address groundwater despite the conversations being had. <br />Wally asked about SAC charges paid to metc. Are there any reductions or credits available. Harry <br />explained that metc has std charge and that each city has <br />Todd Williams asked about waste impact fee. Believes that LE has made good effort in planning. He <br />wants metc to eliminate waste impact fee. <br />Discussion was had about the potential opportunities LE presents. Can be great. <br />Ross chapin architect advised to check out. <br />Harry was asked about his housing/development market expectations. He explained timing is important. <br />Affordable housing -- council expect that LE subsidize? Cannot answer that. Is the “booyah” of financing. <br />Nick asked about harry’s experience with the WashCo HRA. Harry said majority of housing was below <br />market rate, but not substantially low. <br />metCouncil is trying to be flexible. Region is changing. He will be on council for a couple more years. <br />Meeting was recessed at 6:54 P.M. Reconvened at 7:00 P.M. <br />Mayor asked for opinions on proposed plan. Like the notion of flexibility. Concerned about the location <br />and timing of the proposed village green. Appreciate amount of time ovwg has spent on it. <br />Justin also thanked the ovwg. Expressed his desire to see a more detailed map. Dean clarified that the <br />land use map needs to go to the planning commission so it can be sent to metc. The purpose for tonight <br />was to work toward to the land use plan. discussion was had <br />Nelson wants the plan to be market driven. Developers can come in and determine what works. Has <br />concern about mixed use designation. discussion was had about mixed use. Klatt gave definition and <br />clarification about mixed use. Discussion about the location of village green pros & cons. Smith <br />explained that the plan is for long-term and to allow it to grow naturally. <br />Smith said she was aware of potential developers coming, but design standards are not determined yet. <br />It was asked if there was a specific location of the green. It was explained that staff has recommended to <br />not get too specific. Dean again explained the purpose is approving the land use plan <br />The cored development area was further clarified. There will be greater approval requirements by city <br />for that area. <br />Park proposed that the city work with developers to build a green.