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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 7, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 4 of 14 <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 08-075, THEREBY ADOPTING <br />THE 2006 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE AS AMENDED. Mayor Pearson <br />seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-1 (Nay – Nelson). <br />ITEM 12: ZONING MAP UPDATE Planning Director Klatt presented the new Zoning Map update. He stated that this item was approved and recommended by the Planning Commission. The new Zoning Map is needed to bring codes up to date and address the fact that urban development needs to be regulated in the City as we move forward and bring sewer to communities. The Zoning Map establishes districts in the community and adds new districts to the map. This new map correlates very well with the new zoning regulations. The new map also eliminates Holding Zones and creates a Rural Transitional (RT) Zone for future sewered areas in the City. Other changes to the previous map include zoning the three parcels along Hudson Blvd as Commercial (C) because they will be served with sewer and a change to the Cimarron Manufactured Home Park, which is changed to a Medium Density District (MDR). Council Member Park asked for clarification on the RT Zone. Planning Director Klatt clarified that the Land Use Map that was sent to the Met Council identifies possible future uses for land. When applications come in for new development, it is expected that they will also apply to re-zone the properties. Council Member Smith asked about the R2-PUD zones on the map. Planning Director Klatt clarifies the designations of the Future Land Use Map and the new Zoning Map and that the R2-PUD designation is for a Single Family District and the only place that shows up in the City is for Carriage Station. Council Member Park asked for clarification on the “holding zones” to make sure that future development is still allowed in these areas. Planning Director Klatt responds that anything that can be done in the Rural Residential Districts can be done in the Rural Transitional Zones and explains some minimum requirements of those zones. Mayor Pearson asked if there were any reservations from the Planning Commission. Planning Director Klatt explains that it was unanimously recommended for approval. Mr. Klatt also outlines one other minor change to the Zoning Map having to do with the Lake Elmo Oil Property zoning district change. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 08-076 AMENDING CHAPTER 154 <br />OF THE CITY CODE BY ADOPTING A NEW OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP. Council Member <br />Nelson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 13: TREE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE Planning Director Klatt gave an overview of the Tree Preservation and Protection Ordinance. This is part of the process to prepare the City for further growth and development going forward. This Ordinance would correct one of the deficiencies that the Planning Commission has found in the code; that there is no provision to deal with preservation and protection of trees as new developments occur. Many other cities have something like this. Commission made recommendation for ordinance in packet, when developing site, try and preserve as many trees as they can or that they have a plan for replacing trees. When you get above a certain threshold of removal you must have a plan for replacing trees at certain basis. There is a preference for different