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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 7, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 5 of 14 <br /> <br />types of trees. Not a real impediment to development, but something that can apply to all properties equally and to help add value to the development moving forward. Mayor Pearson asked more about what the threshold for replacement is. Planning Director Klatt responded that it depends on what type of trees you are replacing and that it is not a 1:1 ratio. The intent of the Ordinance is that there will be some replacement of trees coming back to the development. Council Member Smith asked about how restrictive this Ordinance is compared to City of Woodbury. Planning Director Klatt responded that it is pretty comparable to what Woodbury has. Smith also asked about if the Planning Commission recommendation was unanimous. Mr. Klatt responded that it was. Council Member Nelson asked question about if someone comes in with their preliminary plat, will they have to do a tree survey. Mr. Klatt responded that there is some level of interpretation left open for staff to not require a tree survey to be done. Council Member Smith commented on most of the land in the City being farmland and wants to make sure there is a way for the Council to grant a variance or relax the process depending on what plans are being brought in. Council Member Nelson expressed concerns about a developer coming in to develop land and they are not touching any trees. They are still required to pay to have tree survey done, which costs money, and can be a burden. Mayor Pearson clarified with Planning Director Klatt that staff can be flexible with developers. Mr. Klatt responded that staff can be flexible and there is an amendment drafted they can add to the Ordinance if Council would like to have that exemption stated in the code. The amendment would add language so that if a proposed development project will not include any impact to significant trees on the site, the applicant can submit a Woodland Evaluation Report rather than a Tree Preservation Plan. The Woodland Evaluation Plan is also defined. <br />MOTION: Council Member Park moved TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 08-077, ESTABLISHING <br />STANDARDS FOR TREE PRESERVATION WITHIN DEVELOPMENT AND GRADING ACTIVITIES AS <br />AMENDED. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2013-35, AUTHORIZING <br />SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 08-077. Council Member Bloyer seconded the motion. <br />MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 14: OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS ORDINANCE UPDATE Planning Director Klatt explained the Off-Street Parking Regulations Ordinance. This is recommended by the Planning Commission to bring code up to date. Right now, the code does have some parking standards, but they are very sporadic and limited to certain districts for certain types of uses. This would create a new parking section in the code and list each use and set a parking standard for each activity. Standards generally come from the American Planning Association and this recommendation tries to get at minimum standards that are needed to serve that business. Not trying to be over-burdensome. This Ordinance would rescind any parking standards that are currently in the code and add a new section that would adopt the new standards.