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05-07-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-07-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May 7, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 6 of 14 <br /> <br />Council Member Park asked about the Planning Commission vote. Mr. Klatt responded that it was a unanimous recommendation. Council Member Bloyer asked about if this Ordinance will cover existing single family homes as well as new developments. Mr. Klatt responded that this Ordinance will apply to new developments, and that existing homes or businesses that do not comply, they are grandfathered into the code. Council Member Smith asked about the part of the code that deals with things like parking at Tablyn Park. Mr. Klatt responded that there is a separate section of the code that deals with on-street parking. This new section of the code just deals with off-street parking. Council Member Nelson asks for a couple points of clarification for the Old Village. Mr. Klatt described the exemptions for downtown businesses and when a parking study would be required. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 08-078, ESTABLISHING OFF- <br />STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL USE CLASSIFICATION IN THE LAKE <br />ELMO ZONING CODE. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />RESOLUTION MOTION: Council Member Smith moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2013-36, <br />AUTHORIZING SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 08-078. Council Member Park seconded <br />the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 15: OLSON LAKE MINOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Planning Director Klatt explained the Olson Lake Minor Comp Plan Amendment. The initial project will be to provide sewer to 5 property owners along part of Olson Lake Trail. It is a joint project with the City of Oakdale. Amendment is needed in order to add language to the waste water section of the Comp Plan so that these properties are included and to revise the map to show that this area is now part of the future sewer service area. In addition to initial 5 homes, the City has identified other homes that could be provided with extension of the sewer line. This amendment would also add these and other homes along Olson Lake Trail to the future sewer service area, so that as the City works with Oakdale on the sewer extensions, we do not need to continually come back and amend our Comp Plan. All of the affected property owners have been polled and a large majority of them do support this project moving forward. Mr. Klatt also noted that staff is asking that change be approved contingent upon review by the Met Council. This is considered a minor change, and can be administratively reviewed by the Met Council, so rather than the normal 60 day review with adjacent city comments, it is just an administrative action by the Met Council. Mr. Klatt also explained that the Resolution before Council states that once this amendment is approved by the Met Council, it will not need to come back before the Council for approval. Rather, the plan change will be implemented upon approval by the Met Council. Mr. Klatt pointed out that this was reviewed by the Planning Commission, where they had a Public Hearing, and that it received unanimous support. Council Member Smith noted that there have been five or six Council Meetings on this and Council is very familiar with the proposal. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2013-037 APPROVING AN <br />AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER VI OF THE LAKE ELMO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EXPANDING THE <br />CITY’S PUBLIC SEWER SERVICE AREA. Council Member Nelson seconded the Motion. MOTION <br />PASSED 5-0.
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