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Mayor Pearson called workshop to order at 6:01PM <br />PRESENT: Mayor Pearson, Council Members Bloyer, Smith, Park [6:11PM], and Nelson[PM] Also Present: City Administrator, Public Works Superintendent Bouthilet, Fire Chief Malmquist, City Engineer Griffin, Finance Director Bendel, City Clerk Bell, and Planning Director Klatt Mark Youngdahl spoke about his background and experience with city development. He presented letter to the City and offered his assistance regarding design and drafting standards. HE said that his opinion is that the City should impose design standards. Mr. Youngdahl also noted that Lake Elmo has one of the best youth baseball systems in the metro area. <br />I. City of LE Growth Projections <br />Park arrived at 6:11PM City Admin Z spoke about the background of the CIP. Presented the residential growth projections. Does not include multi-family. Explained that the CIP plan covers 2013-2017. Projection is conservative with velocity and value. Bloyer asked about lennar breaking ground. Plan is to begin fall 2013. Will be completed by fall 2019. <br />Nelson arrived at 6:17PM II. City of LE Cash Availability Bendel explained the cash on hand status. City admin explained the Village fund was money owed back to the City general fund. Also explained the city facility fund vis-a-vis arbitrage. He confirmed that the city is now clear. The money can now be used and there is a longer time to use it. There was a small discussion about the arbitrage. III. General Fund/Equipment Zuleger gave overview of general fund/equipment a. Single axle plow – would replace contract service about $15,000 savings. Primarily a service quality issue. b. Diesel exhaust filter system – safety issue. These would be affixed to all diesel trucks in fire stations. c. Warning siren- replace older siren in Cimarron and complete last two out of 8 siren system initially planned. d. Dry hydrants- would aide in fire suppression. Discussion about effectiveness and issues that come up. Discussion to e. Sprinkler system in PW- Discussion of effectiveness. It was pointed out that many assets in building. Chief said system would make a difference. f. Replacement of Engine 1 (Aerial) - (2014). Replaces 30 year old piece of equipment that 80% of firefighters have no confidence in. New truck has a 75 ft ladder.