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Because of age, parts have to be custom made to repair current truck. There are many aerials surrounding us, but they cannot meet needed response time of 7-9 minutes. The option of leasing equipment was also discussed. Smith recommended contacting the City of Carleton to inquire about their recently purchased truck that they may not need now. Zuleger noted that council can also request that the base option is also an option. Chief pointed out that used options need to be moved on right away. Cannot deliberate at length. Financing was discussed. Council was in favor of looking for used option. g. Replacement of SCBA- safety issue h. Replacement of Building Inspector vehicle- current is old. i. Pot hole patcher- five-year band-aid until City can go after streets with more permanent solution. PW wants to rent one and try it out to make sure that it works for what we need. Discussion about buying new vs. old. It was pointed out that the 2015-2017 was not being discussed. Some of the There was a discussion about city staff space needs. The use of the arts building was discussed. IV. Streets a. City Engineer explained the streets fund projects. The timelines were explained. Some of the projects have been moved timing wise to co-ordinate better with other needs. Discussion of residential and collector road improvements discussion. Discussion of city vs. resident share. City is responsible for 70%; residents are assessed for 30%. Discussion of length of how long it lasts. Reclamation lasts about 20 years. Reconstruct costs more initially but the repair costs are lower because you only have to replace top layer of bituminous. Also, concrete curb and gutter can add about 7 years to roadway life. b. Transportation improvements were discussed. There will be a 50-50 split in cost burden with developers. If City acts ahead of development, City portion will be higher. The reasoning and origin of the developer contribution was discussed. The total city cost for the 5th Street Parkway would be about $11,000,000.00. The signalization of intersections were discussed. Various intersections on Manning Ave were addressed. Total streets project costs are projected to be $37,486,000. City responsibility will be about $20,000,000. There was a discussion of the impact on property taxes. There was a discussion of how the City must play catch up to upgrade the infrastructure. Discussion about the 5th St. design. It was noted that it included theming costs. It would be a parkway which does cost more. A two lane with turn lanes with a median in the center. It was noted that one of the reasons the parkway was desired was to be inviting to developers. It was proposed that perhaps the bare bones be done initially and later add the “frills.” It was pointed out that the City’s costs wikll be higher if frills are added later. There is concern on the council that the theming is