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a large percentage of expense. It was noted several times that the growth figures were very conservative and if higher will reduce expenses. <br />V. Sewer <br />a. City Engineer explained the sewer fund projects. Explained timeline of projects. Zuleger noted that this fund cash flows much better. It is basically developer driven. There will also be users who help pay for system. It was noted that more than half of the city’s septic systems are borderline failing or non-compliant. The village sewer system was discussed. The city would like to coincide with the county highway improvement on LE Ave. If the county does not move quickly enough the City is planning alternate projects. Zuleger explained that the SAC and connection fees will cover the debt service costs. This has been the most affordable capital improvement for many years, but previous councils and residents have been opposed to sewer. <br /> <br />VI. Storm Water <br />a. City Engineer explained the storm water fund projects. Explained timeline of projects. <br /> <br />VII. Water <br />a. City Engineer explained the storm water fund projects. Explained timeline of projects. Zuleger noted that cash flow will be at much later point. City cannot adjust water rates right now. Current status is $4,000,000… Several sources of funding will are EPA/Clean Water grants/funds…, 3M litigation. Discussion of possible consolidation. Purchasing water, etc. distribution system is still city responsibility. <br />b. <br /> <br />VIII. Wrap Up a. Dean asked council to be prepared to approve 2013 project and 2014 plan. 2014 project and 2015 plan when budget is brought… Zuleger stated that going forward, this will be done in 2yr increments. CIP does not include staff additions. With growth, additional staff will be needed. b. Zuleger reiterated that this is not asking for the world, but mostly playing catch up. The figures are not for wants, but needs. <br />Mayor Pearson adjourned meeting at 8:47 <br />