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CALLED TO ORDER 6:00PM <br />present: pearson, bloyer, nelson, and park <br />Also present: Zuleger, bendel, and bell <br />NELSON/PARK APPROVE AGENDA PASSED 5-0 <br />Dean gave overview of agenda items. <br />A. ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION ON 2013-2018 CIP PRESENTED ON MAY <br />14, 2013 <br />Bendel gave overview of Debt service levies based on CIP and activity to date. There was a discussion of <br />crossover bonds and previous bonding. Previously, all payments were being made solely to interest. <br />Now principal payments are due and are part of the cost. <br />Pearson questioned if the City can get by without the diesel exhaust filters in both fire stations. He also <br />asked about warning sirens and which are needed. Zuleger stated that the central siren was needed for <br />sure. He also noted the benefits of the proposed exhaust systems. Key factor is the transferability. <br />OSHA inspections are also a consideration. They could force us to install a system. <br />Zuleger noted that it was more likely that the dry hydrants would be closer to 6-8 instead of 12. <br />Question of the placement of the dry hydrants. <br />Council was ok with removing the public works sprinkler system. <br />Discussion of the single-axle truck. It is a new truck for new staff, so that the city can do all the work <br />itself instead of using contractor. Pointed out that truck is out of vehicle fund, not bonding. Discussion of <br />using the vehicle funds for the diesel exhaust filters. <br />Discussion of equipment replacement schedules. Discussion of “sinking fund” for future equipment <br />needs. The potential contingencies were discussed. Nelson asked that the city adopt a replacement <br />schedule as part of the budget process. He and park stated that they were in favor of the sinking fund <br />concept. Bendel said she can get him the <br />Zuleger proposed that if the sinking fund is adopted, it should not be touched. Should not just move the <br />money around where the city needs it. <br />Zuleger asked for direction on the new fire engine. Pearson asked for more clarification on what was <br />wrong with current engine. Zuleger stated that the technology is not current. Expensive to repair, in part <br />due to unavailability of parts. Some of the new houses being built make it more difficult to fight. <br />Repairs were about $50,000 for the fire fleet last year. Discussion of the actual need.