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05-28-2013 CCW
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-28-2013 CCW
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A discussion of the neighboring forces resources. <br />Durapatch was going to come in lower- it is actually going to be $28,000. State contract for the bldg <br />inspector vehicle would be lower- $20,000 <br />Discussion about the park funds and what was a proper expense for those funds. Maintenance is a <br />proper expense. Nelson has issue with maintenance equipment. From developer perspective. <br />Discussion of the missing Keats figures. Keats is already underway. Now the City just needs to <br />determine the bonding portion. The property tax increase will be $75 per $100,00. <br />2015 will be big year for LE. It was noted that Washington County is planning on moving up Lake Elmo <br />Ave to 2015. Discussion about 5th street costs, needs, and what level is desired. Developer portion was <br />also discussed. Nelson believes the parkway has additional benefits to the developer. The added <br />benefits may justify a higher developer portion. Area-wide assessment and the street utility districts <br />were discussed. <br />Discussion about who should bear the larger portion of the new development roads, e.g. over-sizing, <br />theming, etc. It was generally agreed that most of the realized benefit is experienced by the local <br />residents. It was agreed that the theming cost should be much lower. It was proposed by Zuleger that it <br />be a 70/30 split with developers. Council wants to see the figures and breakdowns before deciding. <br />Nelson asked about the hwy 5 corridor mgmt & safety improvements. Zuleger said it should actually be <br />about $15 for the beacon, but it is being kept there in case WashCo cannot obtain grants. MnDOT is <br />doing the striping and resurfacing. WashCo is doing the median and turn lanes. LE could split the <br />beacon cost with the schools. <br />Discussion of the fact that 2015 LE will not be bank qualified (at the mercy of the markets) due to over <br />$10 Mil. City will try to get that down below $10 Mil. <br />Discussion of storm water factoring in. Village storm water was discussed. It was proposed that <br />developers pay up-charge if they have zero lot lines. Retention and metering out will be key aspects. It <br />was noted that <br />Park funds were further discussed. Sanctuary park is planned. Will leave about $750,000 in fund. <br />Discussion of what happened to Sanctuary developer. …. <br />Water improvements were discussed. The poor state of the water system was discussed. The burden <br />will be paid mainly by those who use the system. Discussion of how to reach cash flow. If the $6,000,000 <br />in other revenue is not met, it will have to be found elsewhere and additional bonding may needed. If it <br />is obtained, it will be tight, but cash flow will be sooner. Water rates are already high and cannot be <br />increased. <br />Sewer is much better. This utility cash flows. Water fund does not because of the debt.
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