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<br />Mayor Pearson called workshop to order at 6:0PM PRESENT: Mayor Pearson, Council Members Bloyer, Smith, Park, and Nelson Also Present: City Administrator Zuleger, City Engineer Griffin, Finance Director Bendel, Program Assistant Gumatz , and Planning Director Klatt. <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br />PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA. Nelson moves. Bloyer seconds Smith and Park at 6:27pm <br /> <br />A. HIGHWAY 36 CONCEPT DESIGN – 6:00 P.M. – Jack Griffin City Engineer Griffin explains. Transportation funding from Adam Josephson at MnDOT. After Council approves, they will seek approval from Washington County, MnDOT, and the City of Grant. SRF Consulting presents 4 concepts. Marie Cody (?), Pat Corkle (?). Bloyer asks how far into future we are looking at breaking ground on any of these plans. City Engineer Griffin says depends on City or what MnDOT is doing. They do construction on Hwy 36 periodically. So, want to be ready whenever the time comes. Concept Plan A is presented and discussed. This plan does not keep the County and MnDOT’s main priority the way they would like it. This plan has a 2-way frontage road. Concept Plan B is presented and discussed. Washington County and MnDOT have a priority of keeping easy access from Manning to Hwy 36 down to Hwy 5 and this plan does not really keep that priority. MnDOT will like the spacing of this plan. There is an overpass for Keats Ave to go over Hwy 36. There is also an overpass for Demontreville. Concept Plan C is presented and discussed. Slip ramps at intersections and one way streets on each side of Hwy 36. This plan provides a one-way frontage road system with bridges to get across Hwy 36. Council agrees that Lake Elmo Ave access is a priority. Concept Plan D is presented and discussed. This one has more of a continuous frontage road on each side with a split diamond interchange. There are also more J-Turns. Plan B is brought back up and discussed further. Plan A is brought back up and discussed further. Consensus of the Council was that they liked Plan B the best for West of Keats Ave and that they liked Plan D best for East of Keats Ave.