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Mayor Pearson moves a recess at 7:21 P.M. <br />B. FENCE ORDINANCE – 7:28 P.M. City Administrator Zuleger states that City Code is very out of date and that we are trying to clean up old code and create a code that makes more sense and creates enforceability so that there are clear cut standards. We are not trying to create new code, we are remodeling old code. Planning Director Klatt goes over the major changes from the previous Council meeting and explained the new Fence Ordinance. There is discussion on where fences should be erected, as far as on property lines or off of the property line. Mayor Pearson would like language added that states, “any and all ….. must show monuments for final inspection.” Council consensus is that City would like to allow fence on the property line. And, if monuments are shown and get neighbor signature, then it’s fine. If neighbor does not agree, then you must get a certified survey. There is also discussion of Easement Encroachments and whether or not it is something that staff can just approve rather than bringing it to the Council for approval. Council Member Bloyer, as well as Mayor Pearson, would like staff to be able to sign off on these. Council consensus on this point, language in the Ordinance will be cleaned up. Fence height on smaller lots was discussed. Council Member Smith disagrees with solid wall fences being put up on smaller lots because it does not look good and does not fit with the open space preservation piece of what Lake Elmo offers. Solid wall fences are discussed further. Council Member Park suggested letting the decision be up to the neighborhoods. There was discussion of adding a distinction, or option, for lot sizes that are ½ acre or less. Council Member Bloyer disagrees with this option because it could be seen as discrimination against those who own ½ acre or smaller lots. There was discussion about what is allowed by the current code. <br />C. SIGN ORDINANCE – 8:31 P.M. City Administrator Zuleger presents the proposed sign ordinance. The six points listed under 154.212A are the main points that the ordinance attempts to regulate. He believes that it is very fair and balanced and really captures both the old and new feel of the City. Planning Director Klatt talked about the purpose of a sign ordinance is to level the playing field and making sure that everyone is treated fairly. He discussed the Council comments from the previous City Council meeting.