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06-11-2013 CCW
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-11-2013 CCW
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There was discussion on having the downtown area be a special sign district. Mayor Pearson and Council Member Nelson were not in favor or having it be a special district. Council Member Bloyer agreed. Council Member Smith disagreed and doesn’t think that the downtown area should be treated the same as I-94 area because they are completely different. Allowing billboards was discussed. There is Council consensus to keep these restricted and prohibited. Sign application requirements were also discussed. The number of colors and materials used for signs was also discussed. The language will be stricken when the Ordinance comes back to the next Council meeting. The language for landscaping and perennial planters is updated to allow grass to be on the ground next to sign poles. Section F.2.c.ii. was discussed and updated by staff to reflect Council concerns. The apartment or condominium display sign section was updated to allow up to 4x8 signs (32 square feet.) The number of off-premise signs for Agricultural Sales Business was discussed and changed to allow more flexibility. There was also discussion about the Changeable Color Copy Signs and how many colors should be allowed and how long before the sign changes to a new message is discussed. There was also discussion on the awning signs as well as hanging signs. The size limit for political signs was removed, this complies with state statute. There was also discussion of the penalty for violating the Sign Ordinance. The penalty is an administrative citiation which carries a fine of $0-2,000. City Administrator Zuleger discussed how bringing Council comments to the Planning Commission was well received. Council comments will be presented as Public Comment just as from anyone else. Mr. Zuleger stated that it is important 9447 Stillwater Blvd being cleaned up. Junk has been removed and is now outside. Hardy House also being worked on. Petition has been filed by Roger Johnson and 100 others to do an EAW on our Lake Ordinance because the 60 added hours will have added ?? Mayor Pearson talked about Speak Your Peace and how it will be presented piece by piece at each Council meeting and that he will be presenting the first one at the next meeting. He asked that each Council Member present one topic throughout the summer. D. ADJOURN - 9:30 P.M.
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