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06-18-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-18-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 18, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 6 <br /> <br />Lake violations were discussed. There was a discussion of part-time (0.5 FTE) deputies and the training process. The meaning of “other offenses” and “sex offenses” were discussed. “Sex offenses” are less than rape. Narcotics and drug issues were also discussed. City Clerk Bell noted that all the monthly incident and citation reports are available on file at the clerk’s office. Cmdr. Dexter explained the new records system. Shared resources with other communities were discussed. Youth Services Bureau was discussed. It was pointed out that a School Resource Officer is now on duty at Lakeland Jr. High. <br />ITEM 3. YOUTH SERVICES BUREAU UPDATE Mary Planton-Krell, Executive Director of the Stillwater Youth Services Bureau (YSB) spoke about the program. There are three locations- also at Woodbury and Cottage Grove. YSB has been around for over 40 years in the valley and focused on youth, ages 8-18/19. The Bureau works with kids before they get into serious trouble; helps them make better choices in the future. Offers family counseling as well. Tries to teach effective problem solving solutions. Also involved in parent education. Partners with school districts ISD 834/833. YCAPP- Students about to be suspended. Help them identify how they got there and how to get back. It is clear that Lake Elmo using services. YSB served about 97 youth and families in the city last year. 57% increase in referrals; 42% increase in services provided to residents in city. In 2012 - 152 services provided to youth and families in Lake Elmo. Most of the kids are from middle to upper middle income families. It is funded by 45% federal, state, and city funding; 26% client fees which includes insurance (sliding scale). It is rarely at zero level. Remaining 29% is from donors. Municipal funding and fairness was discussed. YSB is asking Lake Elmo to provide $10,000. Purchase service agreement would provide that YSB serves all the kids who need it. Last year’s funding was discussed. The City’s contribution was $0. Restorative justice was discussed. The goal is humanizing crimes and showing the impact on the victim. There are three communities in Washington County not contributing- Mahtomedi, Dellwood, and Lake Elmo. The surrounding communities’ contributions and the services provided to Lake Elmo were discussed. The amount varies greatly from $250 in Afton to $28,000 in Maplewood. Program referrals, jurisdiction, and partnering school relationships were discussed. Other organizations that offer the services were discussed. It was explained that there really aren’t any that compete or offer the exact same services. The impact on the recidivism rate was discussed. YSB beats national average. It was noted that staff and Council will consider a contribution as part of the budget process. <br />CONSENT AGENDA
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