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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 18, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 3 of 6 <br /> <br />4. Approve Payment of Disbursements and Payroll in the amount of $191,957.94 5. Accept Financial Report dated May 31, 2013 6. Accept Building Permit Report dated May 31, 2013 7. Keats MSA Street and Trunk Watermain Improvements - Pay Request No. 1. 8. Lake Elmo Avenue Infrastructure Improvements: I94 to 30th Street - Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Bids; Resolution 2013-47 9. Encroachment Agreement – 5747 Linden Ave 10. Order Abatement Actions – 9447 Stillwater Blvd; 9224 31st St N Mayor Pearson pulled Consent Agenda items 9 & 10 for separate votes. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved TO APPROVE ITEMS 4-8 OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. <br />Council Member Nelson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />ITEM 9: ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT – 5747 LINDEN AVE Mayor Pearson explained that he pulled this item in order to abstain from voting due to a potential conflict of interest. There was no further discussion by other members. <br />MOTION: No specific motion was stated, but vote was taken. ITEM PASSED 3-0-1 (PEARSON <br />ABSTAINED) <br />ITEM 10: ABATEMENT ACTION City Administrator Zuleger gave summary of two properties and explained the city staff actions to date. The process was discussed. Staff and legal counsel have been working on both of these properties for over a year. A. 9447 Stillwater Blvd – The problem tenants have been legally evicted, but the property is still in need of being cleaned up. The clean up has not been happening fast enough. <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO ABATE 9447 STILLWATER BOULEVARD. Council <br />Member Bloyer seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. B. 9224 31st Street North; discussion of what the abatement would include. At this point, it would not include entry. The main concern at this time is health and safety due to the rampant vermin presence. <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO ABATE 9224 31ST STREET NORTH. Council Member <br />Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. Council Member Nelson left [7:55 PM]. <br />Robert Cusick, 5470 Highlands Trail, spoke about his neighbor. He moved into home in 1983. Mr. Cusick detailed several of his neighbor’s code violations, including nuisance weeds. City Administrator Zuleger explained what City Staff has done to date regarding the property. The property owner is in the process of abating the violations. Council Member Nelson returned [7:58 PM].